Vicky Bungay
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Cited by
Safety in psychiatric inpatient care: The impact of risk management culture on mental health nursing practice
A Slemon, E Jenkins, V Bungay
Nursing Inquiry 24 (4), e12199, 2017
A qualitative study of experienced nurses' voluntary turnover: learning from their perspectives
D Hayward, V Bungay, AC Wolff, V MacDonald
Journal of clinical nursing 25 (9-10), 1336-1345, 2016
Women's health and use of crack cocaine in context: Structural and ‘everyday’violence
V Bungay, JL Johnson, C Varcoe, S Boyd
International Journal of Drug Policy 21 (4), 321-329, 2010
Addressing underrepresentation in sex work research: Reflections on designing a purposeful sampling strategy
V Bungay, J Oliffe, C Atchison
Qualitative health research 26 (7), 966-978, 2016
Structure and agency: reflections from an exploratory study of Vancouver indoor sex workers
V Bungay, M Halpin, C Atchison, C Johnston
Culture, health & sexuality 13 (1), 15-29, 2011
Life with jib: A snapshot of street youth's use of crystal methamphetamine
V Bungay, L Malchy, JA Buxton, J Johnson, D MacPherson, T Rosenfeld
Addiction Research & Theory 14 (3), 235-251, 2006
Taint: An examination of the lived experiences of stigma and its lingering effects for eight sex industry experts
R Bowen, V Bungay
Culture, Health & Sexuality 18 (2), 184-197, 2016
Strategies and challenges in preventing violence against Canadian indoor sex workers
V Bungay, A Guta
American journal of public health 108 (3), 393-398, 2018
Violence in the massage parlor industry: experiences of Canadian-born and immigrant women
V Bungay, M Halpin, PF Halpin, C Johnston, DM Patrick
Health care for women international 33 (3), 262-284, 2012
Developing resilience: Gay men’s response to systemic discrimination
I Handlovsky, V Bungay, J Oliffe, J Johnson
American journal of men's health 12 (5), 1473-1485, 2018
Community-based HIV and STI prevention in women working in indoor sex markets
V Bungay, K Kolar, S Thindal, VP Remple, CL Johnston, G Ogilvie
Health promotion practice 14 (2), 247-255, 2013
Health care among street-involved women: The perpetuation of health inequity
V Bungay
Qualitative Health Research 23 (8), 1016-1026, 2013
Documenting practices and perceptions of ‘safer’crack use: a Canadian pilot study
L Malchy, V Bungay, J Johnson
International Journal of Drug Policy 19 (4), 339-341, 2008
‘Peer’work as precarious: a qualitative study of work conditions and experiences of people who use drugs engaged in harm reduction work
A Greer, V Bungay, B Pauly, J Buxton
International Journal of Drug Policy 85, 102922, 2020
Condom use as situated in a risk context: women's experiences in the massage parlour industry in Vancouver, Canada
I Handlovsky, V Bungay, K Kolar
Culture, Health & Sexuality 14 (9), 1007-1020, 2012
EQUIP Emergency: study protocol for an organizational intervention to promote equity in health care
C Varcoe, V Bungay, AJ Browne, E Wilson, CN Wathen, K Kolar, N Perrin, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-14, 2019
Undergraduate students' perspectives on pursuing a career in mental health nursing following practicum experience
A Slemon, E Jenkins, V Bungay, H Brown
Journal of Clinical Nursing 29 (1-2), 163-171, 2020
Intersections of stigma, mental health, and sex work: How Canadian men engaged in sex work navigate and resist stigma to protect their mental health
S Jiao, V Bungay
The Journal of Sex Research 56 (4-5), 641-649, 2019
Male perpetration of adolescent dating violence: A scoping review
N Malhi, JL Oliffe, V Bungay, MT Kelly
American journal of men's health 14 (5), 1557988320963600, 2020
Women on men’s sexual health and sexually transmitted infection testing: a gender relations analysis
JL Oliffe, C Chabot, R Knight, W Davis, V Bungay, JA Shoveller
Sociology of health & illness 35 (1), 1-16, 2013
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Articles 1–20