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Bending of Euler–Bernoulli beams using Eringen’s integral formulation: a paradox resolved
J Fernandez-Saez, R Zaera, JA Loya, JN Reddy
International Journal of Engineering Science 99, 107-116, 2016
Compression after impact of thin composite laminates
S Sánchez-Sáez, E Barbero, R Zaera, C Navarro
Composites science and technology 65 (13), 1911-1919, 2005
Damage in CFRPs due to low velocity impact at low temperature
T Gómez-del Rıo, R Zaera, E Barbero, C Navarro
Composites Part B: Engineering 36 (1), 41-50, 2005
Analytical modelling of normal and oblique ballistic impact on ceramic/metal lightweight armours
R Zaera, V Sánchez-Gálvez
International journal of impact engineering 21 (3), 133-148, 1998
Experimental and numerical analysis of normal and oblique ballistic impacts on thin carbon/epoxy woven laminates
J López-Puente, R Zaera, C Navarro
Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing 39 (2), 374-387, 2008
The effect of the thickness of the adhesive layer on the ballistic limit of ceramic/metal armours. An experimental and numerical study
J López-Puente, A Arias, R Zaera, C Navarro
International journal of impact engineering 32 (1-4), 321-336, 2005
Numerical modelling of the hydrodynamic ram phenomenon
D Varas, R Zaera, J López-Puente
International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (3), 363-374, 2009
Modelling of the adhesive layer in mixed ceramic/metal armours subjected to impact
R Zaera, S Sánchez-Sáez, JL Pérez-Castellanos, C Navarro
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 31 (8), 823-833, 2000
Vibrations of Bernoulli-Euler beams using the two-phase nonlocal elasticity theory
J Fernández-Sáez, R Zaera
International Journal of Engineering Science 119, 232-248, 2017
Numerical modeling of ice behavior under high velocity impacts
J Pernas-Sánchez, DA Pedroche, D Varas, J López-Puente, R Zaera
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (14), 1919-1927, 2012
Constitutive relations in 3-D for a wide range of strain rates and temperatures–application to mild steels
A Rusinek, R Zaera, JR Klepaczko
International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (17), 5611-5634, 2007
Experimental analysis of fluid-filled aluminium tubes subjected to high-velocity impact
D Varas, J López-Puente, R Zaera
International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (1), 81-91, 2009
Free transverse vibrations of cracked nanobeams using a nonlocal elasticity model
J Loya, J López-Puente, R Zaera, J Fernández-Sáez
Journal of applied physics 105 (4), 2009
The effect of low temperatures on the intermediate and high velocity impact response of CFRPs
J López-Puente, R Zaera, C Navarro
Composites Part B: Engineering 33 (8), 559-566, 2002
Nonlinear orthotropic model of the inhomogeneous assembly compression of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers
PA García-Salaberri, M Vera, R Zaera
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (18), 11856-11870, 2011
Experimental and numerical study on the perforation process of mild steel sheets subjected to perpendicular impact by hemispherical projectiles
A Rusinek, JA Rodríguez-Martínez, R Zaera, JR Klepaczko, A Arias, ...
International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (4), 565-587, 2009
Dynamic tensile behaviour at low temperature of CFRP using a split Hopkinson pressure bar
T Gómez-del Río, E Barbero, R Zaera, C Navarro
Composites Science and Technology 65 (1), 61-71, 2005
A hyperelastic-thermoviscoplastic constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers: application to PEEK under dynamic loading conditions
D Garcia-Gonzalez, R Zaera, A Arias
International Journal of Plasticity 88, 27-52, 2017
On the Taylor–Quinney coefficient in dynamically phase transforming materials. Application to 304 stainless steel
R Zaera, JA Rodríguez-Martínez, D Rittel
International Journal of Plasticity 40, 185-201, 2013
Finite element simulation of steel ring fragmentation under radial expansion
A Rusinek, R Zaera
International Journal of Impact Engineering 34 (4), 799-822, 2007
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Articles 1–20