Chatura Ranaweera
Chatura Ranaweera
Professor of Marketing, Lazaridis School of Business, Wilfrid Laurier University
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The influence of satisfaction, trust and switching barriers on customer retention in a continuous purchasing setting
C Ranaweera, J Prabhu
International journal of service industry management 14 (4), 374-395, 2003
On the relative importance of customer satisfaction and trust as determinants of customer retention and positive word of mouth
C Ranaweera, J Prabhu
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for marketing 12, 82-90, 2003
Some moderating effects on the service quality‐customer retention link
C Ranaweera, A Neely
International journal of operations & Production management 23 (2), 230-248, 2003
A model of online customer behavior during the initial transaction: Moderating effects of customer characteristics
C Ranaweera, G McDougall, H Bansal
Marketing Theory 5 (1), 51-74, 2005
Web site satisfaction and purchase intentions: Impact of personality characteristics during initial web site visit
C Ranaweera, H Bansal, G McDougall
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 18 (4), 329-348, 2008
Fostering brand engagement and value-laden trusted B2B relationships through digital content marketing: The role of brand’s helpfulness
K Taiminen, C Ranaweera
European journal of marketing 53 (9), 1759-1781, 2019
Value co-destruction: a typology of resource misintegration manifestations
G Laud, L Bove, C Ranaweera, WWC Leo, J Sweeney, S Smith
Journal of Services Marketing 33 (7), 866-889, 2019
Examining the trade-off between compensation and promptness in eWOM-triggered service recovery: A restorative justice perspective
H Liu, C Jayawardhena, S Dibb, C Ranaweera
Tourism Management 75, 381-392, 2019
The impact of word of mouth on service purchase decisions: Examining risk and the interaction of tie strength and involvement
PA Voyer, C Ranaweera
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 25 (5), 636-656, 2015
For better or for worse? Adverse effects of relationship age and continuance commitment on positive and negative word of mouth
C Ranaweera, K Menon
European Journal of Marketing 47 (10), 1598-1621, 2013
Talk up or criticize? Customer responses to WOM about competitors during social interactions
C Ranaweera, C Jayawardhena
Journal of Business Research 67 (12), 2645-2656, 2014
Ambidextrous marketing capabilities and performance: How and when entrepreneurial orientation makes a difference
H Mehrabi, N Coviello, C Ranaweera
Industrial Marketing Management 77, 129-142, 2019
The role of negative and positive forms of power in supporting CSR alignment and commitment between large firms and SMEs
D Harness, C Ranaweera, H Karjaluoto, C Jayawardhena
Industrial Marketing Management 75, 17-30, 2018
Are satisfied long-term customers more profitable? Evidence from the telecommunication sector
C Ranaweera
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 15, 113-120, 2007
Journal of Service Theory and Practice at age 30: past, present and future contributions to service research
N Donthu, S Kumar, C Ranaweera, M Sigala, R Sureka
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 31 (3), 265-295, 2021
Mapping of journal of services marketing themes: a retrospective overview using bibliometric analysis
N Donthu, S Kumar, C Ranaweera, D Pattnaik, A Gustafsson
Journal of Services Marketing, 2021
From service quality to service theory and practice
C Ranaweera, M Sigala
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 25 (1), 2-9, 2015
Former customers’ E-WOM in social media platforms: An investigation of motives, network size and social ties
J Azer, C Ranaweera
Journal of Business Research 146, 118-133, 2022
When is top management team heterogeneity beneficial for product exploration? Understanding the role of institutional pressures
H Mehrabi, N Coviello, C Ranaweera
Journal of Business Research 132, 775-786, 2021
The impact of service bundles on the mechanism through which functional value and price value affect WOM intent
C Ranaweera, H Karjaluoto
Journal of Service Management 28 (4), 707-723, 2017
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Articles 1–20