Rachel Berman
Rachel Berman
Professor, School of Early Childhood Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University
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The psychosocial inventory of ego strengths: Development and validation of a new Eriksonian measure
CA Markstrom, VM Sabino, BJ Turner, RC Berman
Journal of youth and adolescence 26, 705-732, 1997
A critical reflection on the use of translators/interpreters in a qualitative cross-language research project
RC Berman, V Tyyskä
International journal of qualitative methods 10 (2), 178-190, 2011
The Black baby doll doesn’t fit the disconnect between early childhood diversity policy, early childhood educator practice, and children’s play
M MacNevin, R Berman
Early Child Development and Care 187 (5-6), 827-839, 2017
An exploratory examination of identity formation among Jewish adolescents according to context
CA Markstrom, RC Berman, G Brusch
Journal of Adolescent Research 13 (2), 202-222, 1998
The ego virtue of fidelity as a psychosocial rite of passage in the transition from adolescence to adulthood
CA Markstrom, RC Berman, VM Sabino, B Turner
Child and Youth Care Forum 27, 337-354, 1998
Nothing, or Almost Nothing, to Report: Early Childhood Educators and Discursive Constructions of Colorblindness
Berman, R., Butler, A., Daniel, B-J., MacNevin, M. & Royer
International Critical Childhood Policy Studies 6 (1), 52-65, 2017
Beyond the preschool years: Children’s perceptions about starting kindergarten
A Di Santo, R Berman
Children & Society 26 (6), 469-479, 2012
Canadian Children and Race: Toward an Anti-racism Analysis
N Escayg, K-A., Berman, R. & Royer
Journal of Early Childhood Studies 42 (2), 10-21, 2017
Somali-Canadian mothers' experiences in parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder
F Kediye, A Valeo, RC Berman
Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 2009
Parent-adolescent relationships in military families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder
D Harrison, P Albanese, R Berman
Canadian social work review 31 (1), 81-103, 2014
Implications of English proficiency on immigrant women's access to & utilization of health services
S Guruge, R Berman, V Tyyska, KM Killbride, I Woungang, S Edwards, ...
UTSC Printing Services, University of Toronto Scarborough, 2009
Exploring school life from the lens of a child who does not use speech to communicate
A Ajodhia-Andrews, R Berman
Qualitative Inquiry 15 (5), 931-951, 2009
Pathologizing or validating: Intake workers' discursive constructions of mothers
RC Berman, L Wilson
Qualitative Health Research 19 (4), 444-453, 2009
Politicizing Early Childhood Education and Care in Ontario: Race Identity and Belonging
Z Abawi, R Berman
Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education 4 (2), 2019
Reclaiming voice: Challenges and opportunities for immigrant women learning English
KM Kilbride, V Tyyska, R Berman, M Ali, I Woungang, S Guruge, ...
CERIS Working Paper Series 2009, 72, 2008
" Don't Look Down on Me Because I Have One": Young Mothers Empowered in a Context of Support
RC Berman, S Silver, S Wilson
Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 2007
Adults researching with children
R Berman, M MacNevin
The sociology of childhood and youth in Canada, 24-46, 2017
Making Space for Positive Constructions of the Mother-Child Relationship: The Voice of Mothers of Children wtih Autism Spectrum Disorder
NC Charles, RC Berman
Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 2009
Equity as Praxis in Early Childhood Education and Care
Z Abawi, A Eizaradid, R Berman
Participatory research with children: Critical reflections
T Barnikis, M MacNevin, R Berman
Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voice and agency, 3-24, 2019
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Articles 1–20