Pouriya Bayat
Pouriya Bayat
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Cited by
Advances in passively driven microfluidics and lab-on-chip devices: A comprehensive literature review and patent analysis
V Narayanamurthy, ZE Jeroish, KS Bhuvaneshwari, P Bayat, ...
RSC advances 10 (20), 11652-11680, 2020
Microfluidic devices and their applications
A Aryasomayajula, P Bayat, P Rezai, PR Selvaganapathy
Springer handbook of nanotechnology, 487-536, 2017
Semi-empirical estimation of dean flow velocity in curved microchannels
P Bayat, P Rezai
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13655, 2017
Microfluidic curved-channel centrifuge for solution exchange of target microparticles and their simultaneous separation from bacteria
P Bayat, P Rezai
Soft Matter 14 (26), 5356-5363, 2018
Miniaturized sensors and actuators for biological studies on small model organisms of disease
K Youssef, P Bayat, AR Peimani, S Dibaji, P Rezai
Environmental, Chemical and Medical Sensors, 199-225, 2018
Design to implementation study for development and patient validation of paper-based toehold switch diagnostics
K Jaenes, SJR da Silva, JRJ Vigar, K Wu, M Norouzi, P Bayat, M Karlikow, ...
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e63223, 2022
Environmental, Chemical and Medical Sensors
K Youssef, P Bayat, AR Peimani, S Dibaji, P Rezai
Springer, 2018
Study of Pulsatile Flow in Common Carotid Artery with Different Stenosis' Shapes within Various Wall Conditions
P Bayat, MR Tavakoli
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 12 (1), 51-59, 2019
Microfluidic centrifuge device and method for performing solution exchange and separation
P Rezai, P Bayat
US Patent App. 16/015,591, 2018
Systems, devices and methods of performing magnetophoretic separation and solution exchange in curved fluidic channel
P Rezai, P Bayat
US Patent App. 16/015,617, 2018
Investigation of Secondary (Dean) Flows in Curved Microchannels and Application to Microparticle Sample Preparation
P Bayat
A Laboratory Study of Penetration Depth and Distribution of Bubbles Formed by a Translating Vertical Fluid Jet
MR Tavakoli, P Bayat
Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (6), 365-375, 2015
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P Bayat, P Rezai
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Articles 1–13