Thomas Spalek
Thomas Spalek
Associate Professor of Psychology, Simon Fraser University
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Driving with the wandering mind: The effect that mind-wandering has on driving performance
MR Yanko, TM Spalek
Human factors 56 (2), 260-269, 2014
The left-to-right bias in inhibition of return is due to the direction of reading
TM Spalek, S Hammad
Psychological Science 16 (1), 15-18, 2005
Route familiarity breeds inattention: A driving simulator study
MR Yanko, TM Spalek
Accident Analysis & Prevention 57, 80-86, 2013
The time to detect targets at inhibited and noninhibited locations: Preliminary evidence for attentional momentum.
J Pratt, TM Spalek, F Bradshaw
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 25 (3), 730, 1999
Supporting the attentional momentum view of IOR: Is attention biased to go right?
TM Spalek, S Hammad
Perception & Psychophysics 66 (2), 219-233, 2004
When timing the mind one should also mind the timing: Biases in the measurement of voluntary actions
S Joordens, M van Duijn, TM Spalek
Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2), 231-240, 2002
LCDs are better: Psychophysical and photometric estimates of the temporal characteristics of CRT and LCD monitors
HEP Lagroix, MR Yanko, TM Spalek
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 1033-1041, 2012
Attention constraints of semantic activation during visual word recognition.
MC Smith, S Bentin, TM Spalek
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 27 (5), 1289, 2001
Attentional blink and attentional capture: Endogenous versus exogenous control over paying attention to two important events in close succession
TM Spalek, LJ Falcon, V Di Lollo
Perception & psychophysics 68 (4), 674-684, 2006
A Clockwork Orange: Compensation opposing momentum in memory for location
S Joordens, TM Spalek, S Razmy, M Van Duijn
Memory & Cognition 32, 39-50, 2004
The root cause of the attentional blink: First-target processing or disruption of input control?
HEP Lagroix, TM Spalek, B Wyble, A Jannati, V Di Lollo
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 1606-1622, 2012
Perception of temporal order is impaired during the time course of the attentional blink.
TM Spalek, HEP Lagroix, MR Yanko, V Di Lollo
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 38 (2), 402, 2012
Attentional involvement in subitizing: Questioning the preattentive hypothesis
P Poiese, TM Spalek, V Di Lollo
Visual Cognition 16 (4), 474-485, 2008
Neither backward masking of T2 nor task switching is necessary for the attentional blink
A Jannati, TM Spalek, V Di Lollo
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18, 70-75, 2011
Spatial cuing does not affect the magnitude of the attentional blink
S Ghorashi, JT Enns, TM Spalek, V Di Lollo
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (5), 989-993, 2009
The attentional blink: Increasing target salience provides no evidence for resource depletion. A commentary on Dux, Asplund, and Marois (2008)
CNL Olivers, TM Spalek, JI Kawahara, V Di Lollo
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16 (1), 214-218, 2009
A novel paradigm reveals the role of reentrant visual processes in object substitution masking
A Jannati, TM Spalek, V Di Lollo
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 1118-1127, 2013
The sparing is far from spurious: Reevaluating within-trial contingency effects in the attentional blink.
CNL Olivers, J Hulleman, T Spalek, J Kawahara, V Di Lollo
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (2), 396, 2011
A direct assessment of the role of expectation in inhibition of return
TM Spalek
Psychological Science 18 (9), 783-787, 2007
The time required for perceptual (nonmotoric) processing in IOR
TM Spalek, V Di Lollo
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14 (2), 327-331, 2007
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Articles 1–20