Kerem Altun
Cited by
Cited by
Comparative study on classifying human activities with miniature inertial and magnetic sensors
K Altun, B Barshan, O Tunçel
Pattern Recognition 43 (10), 3605-3620, 2010
Human activity recognition using inertial/magnetic sensor units
K Altun, B Barshan
International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, 38-51, 2010
Classifying human leg motions with uniaxial piezoelectric gyroscopes
O Tunçel, K Altun, B Barshan
Sensors 9 (11), 8508-8546, 2009
Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot
K Altun, KE MacLean
Pattern Recognition Letters 66, 31-40, 2015
Pedestrian dead reckoning employing simultaneous activity recognition cues
K Altun, B Barshan
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (2), 025103, 2012
Recognizing Touch Gestures for Social Human-Robot Interaction
T Balli Altuglu, K Altun
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal …, 2015
Directional processing of ultrasonic arc maps and its comparison with existing techniques
B Barshan, K Altun
2007 IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU, 2007
Real-time gait classification for persuasive smartphone apps: structuring the literature and pushing the limits
OS Schneider, KE MacLean, K Altun, I Karuei, M Wu
Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Intelligent user …, 2013
Daily and sports activities
B Barshan, K Altun
UCI Machine Learning Repository 10, C5C59F, 2013
Evaluation of egocentric navigation methods
K Altun, AB Koku
ROMAN 2005. IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2005
Extraction of State Variable Representations of Dynamic Systems Employing Linear Graph Theory
K Altun, T Balkan, BE Platin
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mechatronic Design and …, 2002
Performance evaluation of ultrasonic arc map processing techniques by active snake contours
K Altun, B Barshan
European Robotics Symposium 2008, 185-194, 2008
Systematic state equation derivation for linear systems using the normal tree method
K Altun, BE Platin, T Balkan
Proceedings of IMECE03, 112-121, 2003
Intelligent sensing for robot mapping and simultaneous human localization and activity recognition
K Altun
Bilkent University, 2011
Employing Active Contours and Artificial Neural Networks in Representing Ultrasonic Range Data
K Altun, B Barshan
Proceedings of the 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008), 2008
Representing and evaluating ultrasonic maps using active snake contours and Kohonen’s self-organizing feature maps
K Altun, B Barshan
Autonomous Robots 29 (2), 151-168, 2010
Classification of leg motions by processing gyroscope signals
O Tunçel, K Altun, B Barshan
2009 IEEE 17th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference …, 2009
Computer aided analysis of dynamic systems employing graph theory
K Altun
Middle East Technical University, 2002
Recognizing Affective Touch for Social Robots
K Altun, KE MacLean
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Sensors in 2013
A Abang, JH Abawajy, HM Abbas, S Abbaszadeh, AA Abdelgawad, ...
Sensors 14, 3797-3824, 2014
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Articles 1–20