Iryna Sharaievska
Iryna Sharaievska
Assistant Professor in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University
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Cited by
Psychological impacts from COVID-19 among university students: Risk factors across seven states in the United States
MHEM Browning, LR Larson, I Sharaievska, A Rigolon, O McAnirlin, ...
PloS one 16 (1), e0245327, 2021
Greenspace and park use associated with less emotional distress among college students in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
LR Larson, LE Mullenbach, MHEM Browning, A Rigolon, J Thomsen, ...
Environmental research 204, 112367, 2022
Family satisfaction and social networking leisure
I Sharaievska, M Stodolska
Leisure studies 36 (2), 231-243, 2017
Perceived discrimination in leisure settings in Latino urban communities
I Sharaievska, M Stodolska, KJ Shinew, J Kim
Leisure/Loisir 34 (3), 295-326, 2010
Leisure and marital satisfaction in intercultural marriages
I Sharaievska, J Kim, M Stodolska
Journal of Leisure Research 45 (4), 445-465, 2013
“Messy transitions”: Students’ perspectives on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education
I Sharaievska, O McAnirlin, MHEM Browning, LR Larson, L Mullenbach, ...
Higher education, 1-18, 2022
Minority youth participation in an organized sport program: Needs, motivations, and facilitators
M Stodolska, I Sharaievska, S Tainsky, A Ryan
Journal of Leisure Research 46 (5), 612-634, 2014
Updating the family operating system: A literature review of information communication technology and family leisure
I Sharaievska
Revisiting Family Leisure Research, 16-30, 2018
Family and marital satisfaction and the use of social network technologies
I Sharaievska
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012
Redefining boundaries in families through social networking leisure
I Sharaievska, M Stodolska
Leisure Sciences 37 (5), 431-446, 2015
Recreation in families with children with developmental disabilities: caregivers’ use of online and offline support groups
I Sharaievska, B Burk
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 52 (1), 2018
Discrimination in leisure contexts
I Sharaievska, M Stodolska, MF Floyd
Race, ethnicity, and leisure, 177-190, 2014
Are we speaking the same language? The experiences of international students and scholars in North American higher education
I Sharaievska, S Kono, MS Mirehie
SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education 34 (2), 120-131, 2019
Health and recreation perceptions of adults with developmental disabilities
BN Burk, I Sharaievska
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 51 (3), 2017
“Hey dad, I just wanna say hello”: Digital leisure among nonresident fathers
I Sharaievska, CJ Hodge
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure 1, 241-260, 2018
Deepening diversity: A collection of teaching perspectives and strategies from social justice advocates
M Fernandez, KJJ Lee, L Larson, CW Johnson, R Mowatt, K Bush, ...
SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education 37 (1-2), 26-43, 2022
Digital practices by citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from an international multisite study
HR Marston, PC Ko, VG Prabhu, S Freeman, C Ross, I Sharaievska, ...
JMIR Mental Health 10 (1), e41304, 2023
Experiences in outdoor recreation among individuals with developmental disabilities: Benefits, constraints, and facilitators
M Armstrong, I Sharaievska, BM Crowe, RJ Gagnon
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 48 (1), 46-57, 2023
Use of physical activity monitoring devices by families in rural communities: qualitative approach
I Sharaievska, RA Battista, J Zwetsloot
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2 (1), e10658, 2019
Use of social media before, during and after family trips
I Sharaievska, M Mirehie
Journal of Leisure Research 54 (5), 624-645, 2023
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Articles 1–20