Vladimir Trajkovik
Vladimir Trajkovik
Faculty of Computer Sc. and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (in Skopje) Macedoniia
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Cited by
Applications of machine learning in human microbiome studies: a review on feature selection, biomarker identification, disease prediction and treatment
LJ Marcos-Zambrano, K Karaduzovic-Hadziabdic, T Loncar Turukalo, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 634511, 2021
Literature on wearable technology for connected health: scoping review of research trends, advances, and barriers
T Loncar-Turukalo, E Zdravevski, JM da Silva, I Chouvarda, V Trajkovik
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (9), e14017, 2019
Improving activity recognition accuracy in ambient-assisted living systems by automated feature engineering
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, V Trajkovik, A Kulakov, I Chorbev, R Goleva, ...
Ieee Access 5, 5262-5280, 2017
Traditional games in elementary school: Relationships of student’s personality traits, motivation and experience with learning outcomes
V Trajkovik, T Malinovski, T Vasileva-Stojanovska, M Vasileva
PloS one 13 (8), e0202172, 2018
Impact of satisfaction, personality and learning style on educational outcomes in a blended learning environment
T Vasileva-Stojanovska, T Malinovski, M Vasileva, D Jovevski, V Trajkovik
Learning and Individual Differences 38, 127-135, 2015
A telemedicine robot system for assisted and independent living
N Koceska, S Koceski, P Beomonte Zobel, V Trajkovik, N Garcia
Sensors 19 (4), 834, 2019
Air pollution prediction with multi-modal data and deep neural networks
J Kalajdjieski, E Zdravevski, R Corizzo, P Lameski, S Kalajdziski, IM Pires, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4142, 2020
Weed Detection Dataset with RGB Images Taken Under Variable Light Conditions. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017
P Lameski, E Zdravevski, V Trajkovik, A Kulakov
Online]. Available: https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-67597-8_11, 112-119, 2017
Increasing quality of learning experience using augmented reality educational games
M Videnovik, V Trajkovik, LV Kiønig, T Vold
Multimedia tools and applications 79 (33), 23861-23885, 2020
Technological solutions for older people with Alzheimer's disease
P Maresova, S Tomsone, P Lameski, J Madureira, A Mendes, ...
Current Alzheimer Research 15 (10), 975-983, 2018
Generative ai for customizable learning experiences
I Pesovski, R Santos, R Henriques, V Trajkovik
Sustainability 16 (7), 3034, 2024
Youth e-participation as a pillar of sustainable societies
A Rexhepi, S Filiposka, V Trajkovik
Journal of Cleaner Production 174, 114-122, 2018
Automation in systematic, scoping and rapid reviews by an NLP toolkit: a case study in enhanced living environments
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, V Trajkovik, I Chorbev, R Goleva, N Pombo, ...
Enhanced living environments: algorithms, architectures, platforms, and …, 2019
An ANFIS model of quality of experience prediction in education
T Vasileva-Stojanovska, M Vasileva, T Malinovski, V Trajkovik
Applied Soft Computing 34, 129-138, 2015
Game-based learning in computer science education: a scoping literature review
M Videnovik, T Vold, L Kiønig, A Madevska Bogdanova, V Trajkovik
International Journal of STEM Education 10 (1), 54, 2023
Rural healthcare IoT architecture based on low-energy LoRa
A Dimitrievski, S Filiposka, FJ Melero, E Zdravevski, P Lameski, IM Pires, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (14), 7660, 2021
Considering high school students’ experience in asynchronous and synchronous distance learning environments: QoE prediction model
T Malinovski, M Vasileva, T Vasileva-Stojanovska, V Trajkovik
The international review of research in open and distributed learning 15 (4), 2014
Healthcare data warehouse system supporting cross-border interoperability
G Gavrilov, E Vlahu-Gjorgievska, V Trajkovik
Health informatics journal 26 (2), 1321-1332, 2020
Security and privacy issues and requirements for healthcare cloud computing
G Gavrilov, V Trajkovik
ICT Innovations, 2012
Health–related ICT solutions of smart environments for elderly–systematic review
P Maresova, O Krejcar, S Barakovic, JB Husic, P Lameski, E Zdravevski, ...
Ieee Access 8, 54574-54600, 2020
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Articles 1–20