Mario Marchand
Mario Marchand
professeur d'informatique (retraité), Université Laval
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Cited by
Tackling the XAI Disagreement Problem with Regional Explanations
G Laberge, YB Pequignot, M Marchand, F Khomh
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2017-2025, 2024
On the stability-plasticity dilemma in continual meta-learning: theory and algorithm
Q Chen, C Shui, L Han, M Marchand
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
RKHS Weightings of Functions
G Dubé, M Marchand
Algorithm-dependent bounds for representation learning of multi-source domain adaptation
Q Chen, M Marchand
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 10368-10394, 2023
Partial order in chaos: consensus on feature attributions in the rashomon set
G Laberge, Y Pequignot, A Mathieu, F Khomh, M Marchand
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (364), 1-50, 2023
Generalization properties of decision trees on real-valued and categorical features
JS Leboeuf, F LeBlanc, M Marchand
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10781, 2022
Fool SHAP with Stealthily Biased Sampling
G Laberge, U Aïvodji, S Hara, F Khomh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.15419, 2022
Fooling shap with stealthily biased sampling
U Aïvodji, S Hara, M Marchand, F Khomh
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
Generalization bounds for meta-learning: An information-theoretic analysis
Q Chen, C Shui, M Marchand
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 25878-25890, 2021
Improving Generalization Bounds for VC Classes Using the Hypergeometric Tail Inversion
JS Leboeuf, F LeBlanc, M Marchand
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00062, 2021
Partial order: Finding consensus among uncertain feature attributions
G Laberge, Y Pequignot, F Khomh, M Marchand, A Mathieu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13369, 2021
Decision trees as partitioning machines to characterize their generalization properties
JS Leboeuf, F LeBlanc, M Marchand
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 18135-18145, 2020
Mass spectra alignment using virtual lock-masses
F Brochu, PL Plante, A Drouin, D Gagnon, D Richard, F Durocher, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8469, 2019
Adaptive deep kernel learning
P Tossou, B Dura, F Laviolette, M Marchand, A Lacoste
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.12131, 2019
Predicting ion mobility collision cross-sections using a deep neural network: DeepCCS
PL Plante, É Francovic-Fontaine, JC May, JA McLean, ES Baker, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (8), 5191-5199, 2019
Interpretable genotype-to-phenotype classifiers with performance guarantees
A Drouin, G Letarte, F Raymond, M Marchand, J Corbeil, F Laviolette
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4071, 2019
Large scale modeling of antimicrobial resistance with interpretable classifiers
A Drouin, F Raymond, GL St-Pierre, M Marchand, J Corbeil, F Laviolette
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.01030, 2016
Predictive computational phenotyping and biomarker discovery using reference-free genome comparisons
A Drouin, S Giguère, M Déraspe, M Marchand, M Tyers, VG Loo, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-15, 2016
Set Covering Machines and Reference-Free Genome Comparisons Uncover Predictive Biomarkers of Antibiotic Resistance
A Drouin, S Giguère, M Déraspe, M Marchand, J Corbeil, F Laviolette
A column generation bound minimization approach with PAC-Bayesian generalization guarantees
JF Roy, M Marchand, F Laviolette
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1241-1249, 2016
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Articles 1–20