Rachel A. Volberg
Rachel A. Volberg
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Gambling impact and behavior study: Report to the national gambling impact study commission
D Gerstein, RA Volberg, MT Toce, H Harwood, RA Johnson, T Buie, ...
Chicago: National Opinion Research Center, 1999
The population prevalence of problem gambling: Methodological influences, standardized rates, jurisdictional differences, and worldwide trends
RJ Williams, RA Volberg, RMG Stevens
Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre, 2012
The prevalence and demographics of pathological gamblers: implications for public health.
RA Volberg
American journal of public health 84 (2), 237-241, 1994
An international perspective on youth gambling prevalence studies
RA Volberg, R Gupta, MD Griffiths, DT Olason, P Delfabbro
International journal of adolescent medicine and health 22 (1), 3-38, 2010
A hierarchy of gambling disorders in the community
M Toce‐Gerstein, DR Gerstein, RA Volberg
Addiction 98 (12), 1661-1672, 2003
Refining prevalence estimates of pathological gambling.
RA Volberg, HJ Steadman
The American journal of psychiatry 145 (4), 502-505, 1988
The New Zealand national survey of problem and pathological gambling
MW Abbott, RA Volberg
Journal of Gambling Studies 12 (2), 143-160, 1996
Prevalence studies of problem gambling in the United States
RA Volberg
Journal of gambling studies 12 (2), 111-128, 1996
Prevalence and risks of pathological gambling in Sweden
RA Volberg, MW Abbott, S Rönnberg, IME Munck
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 104 (4), 250-256, 2001
Taking the pulse on gambling and problem gambling in New Zealand: A report on phase one of the 1999 national prevalence survey
MW Abbott, RA Volberg
Department of Internal Affairs, 2000
Defining the online gambler and patterns of behaviour integration: Evidence from the British Gambling Prevalence Survey 2010
H Wardle, A Moody, M Griffiths, J Orford, R Volberg
International Gambling Studies 11 (3), 339-356, 2011
Forms of gambling, gambling involvement and problem gambling: evidence from a Swedish population survey
P Binde, U Romild, RA Volberg
International Gambling Studies 17 (3), 490-507, 2017
Prevalence estimates of pathological gambling in New Jersey and Maryland.
RA Volberg, HJ Steadman
The American journal of psychiatry 146 (12), 1618-1619, 1989
The NODS–CLiP: A rapid screen for adult pathological and problem gambling
M Toce-Gerstein, DR Gerstein, RA Volberg
Journal of Gambling Studies 25, 541-555, 2009
The classification accuracy of four problem gambling assessment instruments in population research
RJ Williams, RA Volberg
International Gambling Studies 14 (1), 15-28, 2014
Conceptual framework of harmful gambling: An international collaboration
M Abbott, P Binde, D Hodgins, D Korn, A Pereira, R Volberg, R Williams
Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC), 2013
A review of research on aspects of problem gambling
M Abbott, R Volberg, M Bellringer, G Reith
London: Responsibility in Gambling Trust, 2004
A prospective study of problem and regular nonproblem gamblers living in the community
MW Abbott, MM Williams, RA Volberg
Substance Use & Misuse 39 (6), 855-884, 2004
Gambling and problem gambling in the community: an international overview and critique
MW Abbott
Report Number One of the New Zealand Gaming Survey, 1999
Gambling and problem gambling in Sweden: Changes between 1998 and 2009
MW Abbott, U Romild, RA Volberg
Journal of Gambling Studies 30, 985-999, 2014
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Articles 1–20