Oscar Anson
Oscar Anson
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Cited by
Arnold: A brute-force production path tracer
I Georgiev, T Ize, M Farnsworth, R Montoya-Vozmediano, A King, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (3), 1-12, 2018
Non-linear Volume Photon Mapping.
D Gutierrez, A Munoz, O Anson, FJ Seron
Rendering Techniques, 291-300, 2005
Simulation of atmospheric phenomena
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, A Munoz, O Anson
Computers & Graphics 30 (6), 994-1010, 2006
Visualizing underwater ocean optics
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, A Munoz, O Anson
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (2), 547-556, 2008
Perceptual rendering of participating media
V Sundstedt, D Gutierrez, O Anson, F Banterle, A Chalmers
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 4 (3), 15-es, 2007
Chasing the green flash: a global illumination solution for inhomogeneous media
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, O Anson, A Muñoz
Proceedings of the 20th spring conference on Computer graphics, 97-105, 2004
NURBS-based inverse reflector design
O Anson, FJ Seron, D Gutierrez
The Eurographics Association, 2008
Efficient selective rendering of participating media
O Anson, V Sundstedt, D Gutierrez, A Chalmers
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and …, 2006
Perception-Based Rendering: Eyes Wide Bleached.
D Gutierrez, O Anson, A Munoz, FJ Seron
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 49-52, 2005
Genetic algorithms for estimation of reflectance parameters
B Masia, A Munoz, A Tolosa, O Anson, J Lopez-Moreno, J Jimenez, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Posters …, 2009
Rendering ghost ships and other phenomena in Arctic Atmospheres
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, A Muñoz, O Anson
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2005
Inelastic scattering in participating media using curved photon mapping
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, A Muñoz, O Anson
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches, 76, 2004
ED-WAVE: an Educational software for training in wastewater technologies using virtual application sites
P Paraskeva, E Diamadopoulos, M Balakrishnan, VS Batra, A Kraslawski, ...
International Journal of Engineering Education 23 (6), 1172, 2007
Efficient physically-based perceptual rendering of participating media
D Gutierrez, O Anson, FJ Seron, V Sundstedt, A Chalmers
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Posters, 49-es, 2005
Physically-based behavior of light in the atmosphere
D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, O Anson, A Munoz
Computer Graphics & Geometry 6 (2), 80-99, 2004
The Human Visual System as the next step in Virtual Reality
D Gutierrez, O Anson, FJ Seron, A Muñoz, E Jimenez
e-Society 2004, 622, 2004
Virtual heritage, immersive environments and photorealism
D Gutierrez, O Anson, EJ Sobreviela, FJ Seron, FJ Seron
Virtual Retrospect 2003 1, 57-62, 2003
Immersive environments for Cultural Heritage: reconstruction for an Ancient Muslim Suburb
DG Pérez, FJS Arbeloa, O Ansón, JAM Lacarta, E Sobreviela
Tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs), arte y patrimonio …, 2006
Multimedia e-Learning on technologies for efficient water use
O Anson, D Gutierrez, FJ Seron, A Munoz, M Balakrishnan, VS Batra, ...
Loughborough University, 2004
S· E· K· E· R: Tone reproduction based on the human visual system
O Ansón, DG Pérez, FJS Arbeloa
Actas del Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica XVI, 64, 2004
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Articles 1–20