Eva Libman
Eva Libman
McGill, Lady Davis Institute - Jewish General Hospital
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How is good and poor sleep in older adults and college students related to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and ability to concentrate?
I Alapin, CS Fichten, E Libman, L Creti, S Bailes, J Wright
Journal of psychosomatic research 49 (5), 381-390, 2000
Doxepin and cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in patients with Parkinson's disease–a randomized study
SR Romenets, L Creti, C Fichten, S Bailes, E Libman, A Pelletier, ...
Parkinsonism & related disorders 19 (7), 670-675, 2013
Poor sleepers who do not complain of insomnia: Myths and realities about psychological and lifestyle characteristics of older good and poor sleepers
CS Fichten, L Creti, R Amsel, W Brender, N Weinstein, E Libman
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 18, 189-223, 1995
The effect of increased salience of a membership group on pain tolerance.
WE Lambert, E Libman, EG Poser
Journal of personality 28 (3), 1960
Selective attentional bias related to the noticeability aspect of anxiety symptoms in generalized social phobia
IP Spector, JC Pecknold, E Libman
Journal of anxiety disorders 17 (5), 517-531, 2003
Brief and distinct empirical sleepiness and fatigue scales
S Bailes, E Libman, M Baltzan, R Amsel, R Schondorf, CS Fichten
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 60 (6), 605-613, 2006
The SSES-E: a measure of sexual self-efficacy in erectile functioning
E Libman, I Rothenberg, CS Fichten, R Amsel
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 11 (4), 233-247, 1985
Sleep questionnaire versus sleep diary: which measure is better?
E Libman, CS Fichten, S Bailes, R Amsel
International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health 5, 205-209, 2000
Sleep quality and psychological adjustment in chronic fatigue syndrome
M Fossey, E Libman, S Bailes, M Baltzan, R Schondorf, R Amsel, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 27, 581-605, 2004
Thoughts during awake times in older good and poor sleepers—the self-statement test: 60+
CS Fichten, E Libman, L Creti, R Amsel, V Tagalakis, W Brender
Cognitive Therapy and Research 22 (1), 1-20, 1998
Global sexual functioning: a single summary score for Nowinski and LoPiccolos sexual history form (SHF)
L Creti, CS Fichten, R Amsel, W Brender, LR Schover, D Kalogeropoulos, ...
Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 261-267, 1998
Sexual self-efficacy scale for female functioning
S Bailes, L Creti, CS Fichten, E Libman, W Brender, R Amsel
Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 573-582, 2013
Time estimation in good and poor sleepers
CS Fichten, L Creti, R Amsel, S Bailes, E Libman
Journal of behavioral medicine 28, 537-553, 2005
Sleep in the postpartum: Characteristics of first‐time, healthy mothers
L Creti, E Libman, D Rizzo, CS Fichten, S Bailes, DL Tran, P Zelkowitz
Sleep disorders 2017 (1), 8520358, 2017
A comparison of three therapeutic formats in the treatment of secondary orgasmic dysfunction
E Libman, CS Fichten, W Brender, R Bur stein, J Cohen, YM Binik
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 10 (3), 147-159, 1984
Role of thoughts during nocturnal awake times in the insomnia experience of older adults
CS Fichten, E Libman, L Creti, R Amsel, S Sabourin, W Brender, S Bailes
Cognitive Therapy and Research 25, 665-692, 2001
Prostatectomy and sexual function
E Libman, CS Fichten
Urology 29 (5), 467-478, 1987
Refreshing sleep and sleep continuity determine perceived sleep quality
E Libman, C Fichten, L Creti, K Conrod, DL Tran, R Grad, M Jorgensen, ...
Sleep Disorders 2016 (1), 7170610, 2016
Client attributions for sexual dysfunction
CS Fichten, I Spector, E Libman
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 14 (3), 208-224, 1988
Cognitions and sexual expression in the aging
L Creti, E Libman
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 15 (2), 83-101, 1989
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Articles 1–20