Xu Wang
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Cited by
Layer-by-layer assembly of a self-healing anticorrosion coating on magnesium alloys
F Fan, C Zhou, X Wang, J Szpunar
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (49), 27271-27278, 2015
Effects of grain sizes on the oxidation behavior of Ni-based alloy 230 and N
X Wang, JA Szpunar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 752, 40-52, 2018
A comparative study of the compressive behaviour of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel under quasi-static and dynamic shock loading
AA Tiamiyu, M Eskandari, M Nezakat, X Wang, JA Szpunar, AG Odeshi
Materials & Design 112, 309-319, 2016
Influence of grain orientation on the incipient oxidation behavior of Haynes 230 at 900° C
X Wang, F Fan, JA Szpunar, L Zhang
Materials Characterization 107, 33-42, 2015
Effect of surface crystallographic orientation on the oxidation behavior of Ni-based alloy
X Wang, JA Szpunar, L Zhang
Applied Surface Science 327, 532-536, 2015
Mechanism of texture formation in iron boride coatings on low-carbon steel
J Zhong, W Qin, X Wang, E Medvedovski, JA Szpunar, K Guan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 58-62, 2019
Dependence of crystallographic orientation on pitting corrosion behavior of Ni-Fe-Cr alloy 028
LN Zhang, JA Szpunar, JX Dong, OA Ojo, X Wang
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 49, 919-925, 2018
Optimizing cathodic electrodeposition parameters of ceria coating to enhance the oxidation resistance of a Cr2O3-forming alloy
X Wang, F Fan, JA Szpunar
Thin Solid Films 611, 12-20, 2016
Effect of CeO2 Coating on the Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of Ni-Based Alloy 230
X Wang, JA Szpunar
Oxidation of Metals 88 (5-6), 565–582, 2017
Ceria coating for controlling the isothermal oxidation behaviour of Ni-based alloy 625
X Wang, JA Szpunar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 729, 379-389, 2017
Role of microstructure on phase transformation behavior in Ni–Ti–Fe shape memory alloys during thermal cycling
R Basu, MA Mohtadi-Bonab, X Wang, M Eskandari, JA Szpunar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 652, 459-469, 2015
温度及扩散时间对 CVD 法制备高硅钢的影响
王旭, 张帆, 朱合范, 潘红良
表面技术 42 (1), 85-87, 2013
Applications of High-Pressure Die-Casting (HPDC) Magnesium Alloys in Industry
S Fan, X Wang, GG Wang, JP Weiler
Magnesium Alloys-Processing, Potential and Applications, 2023
Investigation on the deformation and microstructure evolution of P91 steel in short-term small punch creep test
K Guan, JA Szpunar, C Wen, X Wang
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 53 (4), 248-254, 2018
Crystallographic anisotropy in surface properties of brass and its dependence on the electron work function
L Guo, H Lu, DY Li, QX Huang, X Wang, JA Szpunar
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 (6), 1715-1720, 2018
CVD 法 制 备 高 硅 钢 的 工 艺 过 程 研 究
华东理工大学, 2013
环形炉内罩用 310S 耐热不锈钢的蠕变寿命预测
朱合范, 曹歌, 王旭, 潘红良
机械工程材料 38 (1), 86-89, 2014
氢在 Zn-Ni-Cd 合金镀层中的渗透特性
李勇峰, 阚文彬, 王旭, 潘红良
材料保护 46 (4), 23-25, 2013
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