Francisco Carlos Calderon
Francisco Carlos Calderon
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá Colombia (grid.41312.35 / ROR 03etyjw28)
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Estimation of Nitrogen in Rice Crops from UAV-Captured Images
AJB Julian Colorado, Natalia Cera-Bornacelli,Juan Caldas, Eliel Petro ...
Remote Sens 12 (3396), 2020
Adquisición de variables de tráfico vehicular usando visión por computador
GE Urrego, FC Calderón, A Forero, JA Quiroga
Revista de Ingeniería, 7-15, 2009
Preliminary studies on modular snake robots applied on de-mining tasks
K Melo, L Paez, M Hernandez, A Velasco, F Calderon, C Parra
IX Latin American Robotics Symposium and IEEE Colombian Conference on …, 2011
A novel NIR-image segmentation method for the precise estimation of above-ground biomass in rice crops
JD Colorado, F Calderon, D Mendez, E Petro, JP Rojas, ES Correa, ...
PloS one 15 (10), e0239591, 2020
Vehicle and pedestrian video-tracking with classification based on deep convolutional neural networks
A Forero, F Calderon
2019 XXII Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision (STSIVA), 2019
Automatic ladybird beetle detection using deep-learning models
P Venegas, F Calderon, D Riofrío, D Benítez, G Ramón, ...
Plos one 16 (6), e0253027, 2021
Depth map estimation in light fields using an stereo-like taxonomy
FC Calderon, CA Parra, CL Niño
2014 XIX Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision, 1-5, 2014
Conteo automático de vehículos
F Calderon, G Urrego
Trabajo de Grado. Facultad de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana …, 2008
Novel feature-extraction methods for the estimation of above-ground biomass in rice crops
DA Jimenez-Sierra, ES Correa, HD Benítez-Restrepo, FC Calderon, ...
Sensors 21 (13), 4369, 2021
Video stabilization taken with a snake robot
J Florez, F Calderon, C Parra
Symposium of Signals, Images and Artificial Vision-2013: STSIVA-2013, 1-5, 2013
Gfkuts: a novel multispectral image segmentation method applied to precision agriculture
ES Correa, F Calderon, JD Colorado
2020 Virtual Symposium in Plant Omics Sciences (OMICAS), 1-6, 2020
Volcanic seismic event classification based on CNN architectures
F Calderón, N Pérez, DS Benítez, D Riofrío
2020 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2020
Matemática 2 proyecto bicentenario
M Blanco, J Bozt, F Calderón, M Jiménez, M González, G López, P Rupin
Santiago, Chile: Santillana del Pacífico SA de Ediciones, 2009
Vis–NIR spectroscopy and machine learning methods to diagnose chemical properties in Colombian sugarcane soils
DA Delgadillo-Duran, CA Vargas-García, VM Varón-Ramírez, F Calderón, ...
Geoderma Regional 31, e00588, 2022
Preliminary studies on the taxonomy of object's tracking algorithms in video sequences
AM Ocaña, F Calderon
2012 XVII Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision …, 2012
Low complexity algorithm for the extraction of vehicular traffic variables
C Francisco, F Alejandro
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2011
Fall Risk Assessment in Older Adults with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
J Cárdenas, M Zequera, F Calderon
Future Trends in Biomedical and Health Informatics and Cybersecurity in …, 2019
A modular robotic platform for visual perception and computational photography
F Calderon, C Parra, C Nino
2016 IEEE Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation (CCRA), 1-6, 2016
Puesta en valor de una escuela patrimonial en zona de alto riesgo sísmico: un caso de estudio
N Maldonado, P Martín, I Maldonado, F Calderón
Revista ALCONPAT 4 (2), 161-175, 2014
Complex Object Detection Using Light-Field Plenoptic Camera
ES Correa, CA Parra, PR Vizcaya, FC Calderon, JD Colorado
International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern …, 2021
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Articles 1–20