Michelle Tseng
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Cited by
Decreases in beetle body size linked to climate change and warming temperatures
M Tseng, KM Kaur, S Soleimani Pari, K Sarai, D Chan, CH Yao, P Porto, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (3), 647-659, 2018
Sexual dimorphism and allometry in the giant water strider Gigantometra gigas
M Tseng, L Rowe
Canadian Journal of Zoology 77 (6), 923-929, 1999
Strategies and support for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in ecology and evolutionary biology
M Tseng, RW El-Sabaawi, MB Kantar, JH Pantel, DS Srivastava, JL Ware
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (10), 1288-1290, 2020
Interactions between the parasite’s previous and current environment mediate the outcome of parasite infection
M Tseng
The American Naturalist 168 (4), 565-571, 2006
Sex–specific response of a mosquito to parasites and crowding
M Tseng
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
The effect of food limitation on immunity factors and disease resistance in the western tent caterpillar
JH Myers, JS Cory, JD Ericsson, ML Tseng
Oecologia 167, 647-655, 2011
Predators modify the evolutionary response of prey to temperature change
M Tseng, MI O'Connor
Biology letters 11 (12), 20150798, 2015
A Simple Parafilm M-Based Method for Blood-Feeding Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)
M Tseng
Journal of medical entomology 40 (4), 588-589, 2003
Body size explains interspecific variation in size–latitude relationships in geographically widespread beetle species.
M Tseng, S Soleimani Pari
Ecological entomology 44 (1), 2019
The relationship between parasite fitness and host condition in an insect-virus system
M Tseng, JH Myers
PLoS One 9 (9), e106401, 2014
Ascogregarine parasites as possible biocontrol agents of mosquitoes
M Tseng
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 23 (sp2), 30-34, 2007
Parasite transgenerational effects on infection
T Little, J Birch, P Vale, M Tseng
Evolutionary Ecology Research 9 (3), 459-469, 2007
Emerging radiotherapy technologies and trends in nasopharyngeal cancer
M Tseng, F Ho, YH Leong, LC Wong, IWK Tham, T Cheo, AWM Lee
Cancer Communications 40 (9), 395-405, 2020
Digital technology helps remove gender bias in academia
J Fortin, B Bartlett, M Kantar, M Tseng, Z Mehrabi
Scientometrics 126 (5), 4073-4081, 2021
Life‐history responses of a mayfly to seasonal constraints and predation risk
M Tseng
Ecological Entomology 28 (1), 119-123, 2003
Wildcards in climate change biology
DS Srivastava, L Coristine, AL Angert, M Bontrager, SL Amundrud, ...
Ecological Monographs 91 (4), e01471, 2021
Species interactions mediate thermal evolution
M Tseng, JR Bernhardt, AE Chila
Evolutionary Applications 12 (7), 1463-1474, 2019
Phylogeography of the Coastal Mosquito Aedes togoi across Climatic Zones: Testing an Anthropogenic Dispersal Hypothesis
T Sota, P Belton, M Tseng, HS Yong, M Mogi
PloS one 10 (6), e0131230, 2015
Cascading effects of algal warming in a freshwater community
M Tseng, CM Di Filippo, M Fung, JO Kim, IP Forster, Y Zhou
Functional Ecology 35 (4), 920-929, 2021
Maternal food provisioning in a substrate-brooding African cichlid
K Ota, M Kohda
PloS one 9 (6), e99094, 2014
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Articles 1–20