Bing Cheng Si
Bing Cheng Si
Professor, Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan
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Cited by
Effects of straw and plastic film mulching on greenhouse gas emissions in Loess Plateau, China: A field study of 2 consecutive wheat-maize rotation cycles
H Chen, J Liu, A Zhang, J Chen, G Cheng, B Sun, X Pi, M Dyck, B Si, ...
Science of the Total Environment 579, 814-824, 2017
Nitrous oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wetting
KA Congreves, C Wagner-Riddle, BC Si, TJ Clough
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117, 5-15, 2018
Near‐saturated surface soil hydraulic properties under different land uses in the St Denis National Wildlife Area, Saskatchewan, Canada
W Bodhinayake, B Cheng Si
Hydrological Processes 18 (15), 2835-2850, 2004
Scaling relationships between saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil physical properties
TB Zeleke, BC Si
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (6), 1691-1702, 2005
Determination of hydraulic properties in sloping landscapes from tension and double‐ring infiltrometers
W Bodhinayake, BC Si, K Noborio
Vadose Zone Journal 3 (3), 964-970, 2004
Probability distribution and spatial dependence of nitrous oxide emission: temporal change in hummocky terrain
TT Yates, BC Si, RE Farrell, DJ Pennock
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (3), 753-762, 2006
Development and application of the heat pulse method for soil physical measurements
H He, MF Dyck, R Horton, T Ren, KL Bristow, J Lv, B Si
Reviews of Geophysics 56 (4), 567-620, 2018
Characterizing scale-dependent spatial relationships between soil properties using multifractal techniques
TB Zeleke, BC Si
Geoderma 134 (3-4), 440-452, 2006
Seasonal changes in surface bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity of natural landscapes
W Hu, MA Shao, BC Si
European Journal of Soil Science 63 (6), 820-830, 2012
Spatial scaling analyses of soil physical properties: A review of spectral and wavelet methods
Vadose Zone Journal 7 (2), 547-562, 2008
Scale‐dependent relationship between wheat yield and topographic indices: A wavelet approach
BC Si, RE Farrell
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (2), 577-587, 2004
Determination of groundwater recharge mechanism in the deep loessial unsaturated zone by environmental tracers
Z Li, X Chen, W Liu, B Si
Science of the Total Environment 586, 827-835, 2017
Multiple wavelet coherence for untangling scale-specific and localized multivariate relationships in geosciences
W Hu, BC Si
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (8), 3183-3191, 2016
Soil water prediction based on its scale-specific control using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
W Hu, BC Si
Geoderma 193, 180-188, 2013
Infiltration and drainage processes in multi-layered coarse soils
M Huang, S Lee Barbour, A Elshorbagy, JD Zettl, B Cheng Si
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (2), 169-183, 2011
Water mining from the deep critical zone by apple trees growing on loess
H Li, B Si, P Wu, JJ McDonnell
Hydrological Processes 33 (2), 320-327, 2019
Influence of textural layering on field capacity of coarse soils
J Zettl, S Lee Barbour, M Huang, B Si, LA Leskiw
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (2), 133-147, 2011
A modified normalized model for predicting effective soil thermal conductivity
H He, Y Zhao, MF Dyck, B Si, H Jin, J Lv, J Wang
Acta Geotechnica 12, 1281-1300, 2017
Optimizing biochar application to improve soil physical and hydraulic properties in saline-alkali soils
J Liang, Y Li, B Si, Y Wang, X Chen, X Wang, H Chen, H Wang, F Zhang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 771, 144802, 2021
Effect of residue incorporation on physical properties of the surface soil in the South Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
TB Zeleke, MCJ Grevers, BC Si, AR Mermut, S Beyene
Soil and Tillage Research 77 (1), 35-46, 2004
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Articles 1–20