Robert Kudrawiec
Robert Kudrawiec
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Semiconductor heterostructures and device structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy
J Misiewicz, P Sitarek, G Sek, R Kudrawiec
MATERIALS SCIENCE-WROCLAW- 21 (3), 263-318, 2003
Revealing the nature of photoluminescence emission in the metal-halide double perovskite Cs 2 AgBiBr 6
SJ Zelewski, JM Urban, A Surrente, DK Maude, A Kuc, L Schade, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (27), 8350-8356, 2019
The electronic band structure of Ge1− xSnx in the full composition range: indirect, direct, and inverted gaps regimes, band offsets, and the Burstein–Moss effect
MP Polak, P Scharoch, R Kudrawiec
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (19), 195103, 2017
Recent achievements in AMMONO-bulk method
R Dwiliński, R Doradziński, J Garczyński, L Sierzputowski, R Kucharski, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 (18), 2499-2502, 2010
Recent Progress on 1.55- Dilute-Nitride Lasers
SR Bank, H Bae, LL Goddard, HB Yuen, MA Wistey, R Kudrawiec, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43 (9), 773-785, 2007
First-principles calculations of bismuth induced changes in the band structure of dilute Ga–V–Bi and In–V–Bi alloys: chemical trends versus experimental data
MP Polak, P Scharoch, R Kudrawiec
Semiconductor Science and Technology 30 (9), 094001, 2015
Ammonothermal GaN substrates: Growth accomplishments and applications
R Dwiliński, R Doradziński, J Garczyński, L Sierzputowski, R Kucharski, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (7), 1489-1493, 2011
Band gap temperature-dependence of close-space sublimation grown Sb2Se3 by photo-reflectance
M Birkett, WM Linhart, J Stoner, LJ Phillips, K Durose, J Alaria, JD Major, ...
Apl Materials 6 (8), 2018
Combined Temperature and Pressure Sensing Using Luminescent NaBiF4:Yb,Er Nanoparticles
MA Antoniak, SJ Zelewski, R Oliva, A Zak, R Kudrawiec, M Nyk
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (5), 4209-4217, 2020
Electronic Band Structure of Highly Mismatched Alloys: Suitability for Intermediate-Band Solar Cells
R Kudrawiec, AV Luce, M Gladysiewicz, M Ting, YJ Kuang, CW Tu, ...
Physical Review Applied 1 (3), 034007, 2014
Development of GaInNAsSb alloys: Growth, band structure, optical properties and applications
JS Harris Jr, R Kudrawiec, HB Yuen, SR Bank, HP Bae, MA Wistey, ...
physica status solidi (b) 244 (8), 2707-2729, 2007
High Bi content GaSbBi alloys
MK Rajpalke, WM Linhart, M Birkett, KM Yu, J Alaria, J Kopaczek, ...
Journal of applied physics 116 (4), 2014
Pressure coefficients for direct optical transitions in MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 crystals and semiconductor to metal transitions
F Dybała, MP Polak, J Kopaczek, P Scharoch, K Wu, S Tongay, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26663, 2016
Photoreflectance investigations of the energy level structure in GaInNAs-based quantum wells
J Misiewicz, R Kudrawiec, K Ryczko, G Sęk, A Forchel, JC Harmand, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (31), S3071, 2004
Photoluminescence of Eu-doped titania xerogel spin-on deposited on porous anodic alumina
NV Gaponenko, IS Molchan, GE Thompson, P Skeldon, A Pakes, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 99 (1-2), 71-73, 2002
Material gain engineering in GeSn/Ge quantum wells integrated with an Si platform
HS Mączko, R Kudrawiec, M Gladysiewicz
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 34082, 2016
Photoreflectance and contactless electroreflectance measurements of semiconductor structures by using bright and dark configurations
R Kudrawiec, J Misiewicz
Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (9), 2009
Experimental and theoretical studies of band gap alignment in GaAs1− xBix/GaAs quantum wells
R Kudrawiec, J Kopaczek, MP Polak, P Scharoch, M Gladysiewicz, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (23), 2014
Direct optical transitions at K-and H-point of Brillouin zone in bulk MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2
J Kopaczek, MP Polak, P Scharoch, K Wu, B Chen, S Tongay, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (23), 2016
Photoacoustic and modulated reflectance studies of indirect and direct band gap in van der Waals crystals
SJ Zelewski, R Kudrawiec
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 15365, 2017
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Articles 1–20