David Burnes
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Cited by
Elder abuse: global situation, risk factors, and prevention strategies
K Pillemer, D Burnes, C Riffin, MS Lachs
The Gerontologist 56 (Suppl_2), S194-S205, 2016
Interventions to reduce ageism against older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
D Burnes, C Sheppard, CR Henderson Jr, M Wassel, R Cope, C Barber, ...
American journal of public health 109 (8), e1-e9, 2019
Prevalence of and risk factors for elder abuse and neglect in the community: a population‐based study
D Burnes, K Pillemer, PL Caccamise, A Mason, CR Henderson Jr, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63 (9), 1906-1912, 2015
Prevalence of financial fraud and scams among older adults in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis
D Burnes, CR Henderson Jr, C Sheppard, R Zhao, K Pillemer, MS Lachs
American journal of public health 107 (8), e13-e21, 2017
Financial exploitation of older adults: a population-based prevalence study
JC Peterson, DPR Burnes, PL Caccamise, A Mason, CR Henderson, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 29, 1615-1623, 2014
Mothers raising children with sickle cell disease at the intersection of race, gender, and illness stigma
DPR Burnes, BJ Antle, CC Williams, L Cook
Health & Social Work 33 (3), 211-220, 2008
Elder abuse
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
Handbook of family violence, 247-270, 1988
Risk and protective factors of identity theft victimization in the United States
D Burnes, M DeLiema, L Langton
Preventive medicine reports 17, 101058, 2020
Help-seeking among victims of elder abuse: Findings from the National Elder Mistreatment Study
D Burnes, R Acierno, M Hernandez-Tejada
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 74 (5), 891-896, 2019
State of the science on prevention of elder abuse and lessons learned from child abuse and domestic violence prevention: Toward a conceptual framework for research
JA Teresi, D Burnes, EA Skowron, MA Dutton, L Mosqueda, MS Lachs, ...
Journal of elder abuse & neglect 28 (4-5), 263-300, 2016
Elder abuse severity: A critical but understudied dimension of victimization for clinicians and researchers
D Burnes, K Pillemer, MS Lachs
The Gerontologist 57 (4), 745-756, 2017
A systematic evaluation of a multidisciplinary social work–lawyer elder mistreatment intervention model
VM Rizzo, D Burnes, A Chalfy
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 27 (1), 1-18, 2015
Community elder mistreatment intervention with capable older adults: Toward a conceptual practice model
D Burnes
The Gerontologist 57 (3), 409-416, 2017
Developing a research agenda on resident-to-resident aggression: Recommendations from a consensus conference
L McDonald, SL Hitzig, KA Pillemer, MS Lachs, M Beaulieu, P Brownell, ...
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 27 (2), 146-167, 2015
Investigating the connection between ageism and elder mistreatment
K Pillemer, D Burnes, A MacNeil
Nature Aging 1 (2), 159-164, 2021
Understanding service utilization in cases of elder abuse to inform best practices
D Burnes, VM Rizzo, P Gorroochurn, MH Pollack, MS Lachs
Journal of Applied Gerontology 35 (10), 1036-1057, 2016
A scoping review of outcomes in elder abuse intervention research: The current landscape and where to go next
D Burnes, A MacNeil, A Nowaczynski, C Sheppard, L Trevors, E Lenton, ...
Aggression and Violent Behavior 57, 101476, 2021
When helping hurts: Nonabusing family, friends, and neighbors in the lives of elder mistreatment victims
R Breckman, D Burnes, S Ross, PC Marshall, JJ Suitor, MS Lachs, ...
The Gerontologist 58 (4), 719-723, 2018
Broadening the etiological discourse on Alzheimer's disease to include trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder as psychosocial risk factors
DPR Burnes, D Burnette
Journal of Aging Studies 27 (3), 218-224, 2013
Elder abuse and neglect risk alleviation in protective services
DPR Burnes, VM Rizzo, E Courtney
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29 (11), 2091-2113, 2014
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Articles 1–20