Martin M. Antony
Martin M. Antony
Toronto Metropolitan University
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Psychometric properties of the 42-item and 21-item versions of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales in clinical groups and a community sample.
MM Antony, PJ Bieling, BJ Cox, MW Enns, RP Swinson
Psychological assessment 10 (2), 176, 1998
Psychometric properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire in a clinical anxiety disorders sample
TA Brown, MM Antony, DH Barlow
Behaviour research and therapy 30 (1), 33-37, 1992
Is perfectionism good, bad, or both? Examining models of the perfectionism construct
PJ Bieling, AL Israeli, MM Antony
Personality and individual differences 36 (6), 1373-1385, 2004
Increasingly certain about uncertainty: Intolerance of uncertainty across anxiety and depression
RN Carleton, MK Mulvogue, MA Thibodeau, RE McCabe, MM Antony, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 26 (3), 468-479, 2012
The State--Trait Anxiety Inventory, Trait version: structure and content re-examined
PJ Bieling, MM Antony, RP Swinson
Behaviour research and therapy 36 (7-8), 777-788, 1998
Psychometric properties of the state-trait inventory for cognitive and somatic anxiety (STICSA): comparison to the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI).
DF Grös, MM Antony, LJ Simms, RE McCabe
Psychological assessment 19 (4), 369, 2007
Dimensions of perfectionism across the anxiety disorders
MM Antony, CL Purdon, V Huta, RP Swinson
Behaviour research and therapy 36 (12), 1143-1154, 1998
Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of anxiety
MM Antony, SM Orsillo, L Roemer
Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
Generalized anxiety disorder
K Rowa, S Waechter, HK Hood, MM Antony
Psychopathology: History, Diagnosis, and Empirical Foundations, Third …, 2017
Diagnostic comorbidity in panic disorder: effect on treatment outcome and course of comorbid diagnoses following treatment.
TA Brown, MM Antony, DH Barlow
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63 (3), 408, 1995
Cognitive-behavioral therapy in groups
PJ Bieling, RE McCabe, MM Antony
Guilford publications, 2022
When perfect isn't good enough: Strategies for coping with perfectionism
MM Antony, RP Swinson
New Harbinger Publications, 2009
Symptom structure in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a confirmatory factor-analytic study
LJ Summerfeldt, MA Richter, MM Antony, RP Swinson
Behaviour Research and Therapy 37 (4), 297-311, 1999
Perinatal anxiety disorder prevalence and incidence
N Fairbrother, P Janssen, MM Antony, E Tucker, AH Young
Journal of affective disorders 200, 148-155, 2016
Measuring outcomes in aesthetic surgery: a comprehensive review of the literature
S Ching, A Thoma, RE McCabe, MM Antony
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 111 (1), 469-480, 2003
Making the grade: The behavioural consequences of perfectionism in the classroom
PJ Bieling, A Israeli, J Smith, MM Antony
Personality and individual differences 35 (1), 163-178, 2003
Reducing pain during vaccine injections: clinical practice guideline
A Taddio, CM McMurtry, V Shah, RP Riddell, CT Chambers, M Noel, ...
Cmaj 187 (13), 975-982, 2015
Response to hyperventilation and inhalation of 5.5% carbon dioxide-enriched air across the DSM-III—R anxiety disorders.
RM Rapee, TA Brown, MM Antony, DH Barlow
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 101 (3), 538, 1992
Psychometric properties of the social phobia inventory: Further evaluation
MM Antony, MJ Coons, RE McCabe, A Ashbaugh, RP Swinson
Behaviour research and therapy 44 (8), 1177-1185, 2006
Assessing nicotine dependence: A comparison of the Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ) with the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) in a clinical sample
TJ Payne, PO Smith, LM McCracken, WC McSherry, MM Antony
Addictive behaviors 19 (3), 307-317, 1994
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