Muhammad Umair
Muhammad Umair
Postdoctoral Fellow at Universite de Montreal
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Cited by
Impact of climate, rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, and other environmental factors on water-use efficiency at multiple land cover types
M Umair, D Kim, M Choi
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 11644, 2020
Application of HEC-HMS for the event and continuous simulation in high altitude scarcely-gauged catchment under changing climate
M Azmat, MU Qamar, S Ahmed, E Hussain, M Umair
European water 57, 77-84, 2017
Estimating land surface variables and sensitivity analysis for CLM and VIC simulations using remote sensing products
M Umair, D Kim, RL Ray, M Choi
Science of the total environment 633, 470-483, 2018
Water use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystem over East Asia: Effects of climate regimes and land cover types
D Kim, J Baik, M Umair, M Choi
Science of the Total Environment 773, 145519, 2021
Impacts of land use/land cover on runoff and energy budgets in an East Asia ecosystem from remotely sensed data in a community land model
M Umair, D Kim, M Choi
Science of the Total Environment 684, 641-656, 2019
County-level corn yield prediction using supervised machine learning
SN Khan, AN Khan, A Tariq, L Lu, NA Malik, M Umair, WA Hatamleh, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 56 (1), 2253985, 2023
Evaluation of atmospheric and terrestrial effects in the carbon cycle for forest and grassland ecosystems using a remote sensing and modeling approach
M Umair, D Kim, RL Ray, M Choi
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 295, 108187, 2020
Quantifying surface soil organic carbon distribution globally during the COVID-19 pandemic using satellite data
RL Ray, N Khan, NS Abeysingha, S Farooq, SK Singh, M Umair
Geocarto International 37 (26), 12149-12170, 2022
Improving land-surface model simulations in irrigated areas by incorporating soil moisture–based irrigation estimates in community land model
M Zohaib, M Umair, M Choi
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 148 (11), 04022039, 2022
TgL a Proceedings of the 1o" Orld Congress of EWRA TPanta Rhei", 5–9 July 2017
M Azmat, M Qamar, S Ahmed, E Hussain, M Umair
Athens, Greece, 2017
Implementing a plant hydraulics parameterization in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) v. 1.4
M Umair, JR Melton, A Roy, CB Eller, JL Baltzer, B Hadiwijaya, N Perron, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Introducing and evaluating a plant hydraulics parameterization in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC)
M Umair, JR Melton, A Roy, JL Baltzer, O Sonnentag
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2652), B43H-2652, 2023
Impact of Land Use Land Cover Changes on Carbon and Water Cycle Interactions: Using Data Driven Modeling and Satellite Products
M Umair, SN Khan, H Kim, M Azmat, S Atif
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
Impacts of Climatic Variables and Cryosphere on the Future Projections of Water Cycle Components Using Observations and Hydrological Models.
M Umair, M Azmat, R Ray, M Zohaib
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, C55D-0624, 2021
Climate change variations and hydro-meteorological response associated with Urban Heat Island
D Kim, M Choi, N Syahira, M Umair, J Park
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC121-0001, 2020
Assessment of water use efficiency over croplands in the Korean Peninsula
D Kim, M Umair, U Kim, Y Cho, RL Ray, M Choi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B21G-2411, 2019
Effects of CO and Climate on water use efficiency and their linkage with the climate change
M Umair, D Kim, M Choi
한국수자원학회 학술발표회, 149-149, 2019
Assessment of water use efficiency using land surface model
D Kim, M Umair, M Choi
Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference, 302-304, 2019
Assessment of water use efficiency using Community Land Model and satellite products in carbon and water cycles over East Asia
D Kim, M Umair, M Choi, J Baik
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018
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Articles 1–19