Christophe Petit
Christophe Petit
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Evolutionary consequences of diploid–polyploid hybrid zones in wild species
C Petit, F Bretagnolle, F Felber
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14 (8), 306-311, 1999
Life history variation in the heavy metal tolerant plant Thlaspi caerulescens growing in a network of contaminated and noncontaminated sites in southern France …
G Jiménez‐Ambriz, C Petit, I Bourrié, S Dubois, I Olivieri, O Ronce
New Phytologist 173 (1), 199-215, 2007
Variation in flowering phenology and selfing rate across a contact zone between diploid and tetraploid Arrhenatherum elatius (Poaceae)
C Petit, P Lesbros, X Ge, JD Thompson
Heredity 79 (1), 31-40, 1997
Gene flow and local adaptation in two endemic plant species
C Petit, H Fréville, A Mignot, B Colas, M Riba, E Imbert, ...
Biological Conservation 100 (1), 21-34, 2001
Species diversity and ecological range in relation to ploidy level in the flora of the Pyrenees
C Petit, JD Thompson
Evolutionary Ecology 13, 45-65, 1999
Variation in phenotypic response to light availability between diploid and tetraploid populations of the perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius from open and woodland sites
C Petit, JD Thompson
Journal of Ecology, 657-667, 1997
Zinc and cadmium accumulation in controlled crosses between metallicolous and nonmetallicolous populations of Thlaspi caerulescens (Brassicaceae)
H Frérot, C Petit, C Lefèbvre, W Gruber, C Collin, J Escarré
New Phytologist 157 (3), 643-648, 2003
Phenotypic selection and population differentiation in relation to habitat heterogeneity in Arrhenatherum elatius (Poaceae)
C Petit, JD Thompson
Journal of Ecology 86 (5), 829-840, 1998
Zinc tolerance and hyperaccumulation in F1 and F2 offspring from intra and interecotype crosses of Thlaspi caerulescens
H Frérot, C Lefèbvre, C Petit, C Collin, A Dos Santos, J Escarré
New Phytologist 165 (1), 111-119, 2005
Consequences of Low Mate Availability in the Rare Self‐Incompatible Species Brassica insularis
S Glémin, C Petit, S Maurice, A Mignot
Conservation Biology 22 (1), 216-221, 2008
Phenotypic plasticity in relation to ploidy level and corm production in the perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius
C Petit, JD Thompson, F Bretagnolle
Canadian Journal of Botany 74 (12), 1964-1973, 1996
Interaction of climate, demography and genetics: a ten-year study of Brassica insularis, a narrow endemic Mediterranean species
F Noël, S Maurice, A Mignot, S Glémin, D Carbonell, F Justy, I Guyot, ...
Conservation Genetics 11, 509-526, 2010
Biologie des populations des complexes polyploïdes: étude de la spécialisation écologique et de l'isolement reproducteur chez la graminée pérenne" Arrhenatherum elatius
C Petit
Montpellier, 1996
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Articles 1–13