Walid Cherif
Walid Cherif
Professeur habilité, Ecole des Sciences de l'Information
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Improving parking availability prediction in smart cities with IoT and ensemble-based model
SCK Tekouabou, W Cherif, H Silkan
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (3 …, 2022
Optimization of K-NN algorithm by clustering and reliability coefficients: application to breast-cancer diagnosis
W Cherif
Procedia Computer Science 127, 293-299, 2018
Towards an efficient opinion measurement in Arabic comments
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
Procedia Computer Science 73, 122-129, 2015
Optimizing the prediction of telemarketing target calls by a classification technique
CST Koumétio, W Cherif, S Hassan
2018 6th International conference on wireless networks and mobile …, 2018
Optimizing the early glaucoma detection from visual fields by combining preprocessing techniques and ensemble classifier with selection strategies
SCK Tékouabou, I Chabbar, H Toulni, W Cherif, H Silkan
Expert Systems with Applications 189, 115975, 2022
A new modeling approach for Arabic opinion mining recognition
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
2015 Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), 1-6, 2015
A data modeling approach for classification problems: application to bank telemarketing prediction
SCK Tekouabou, W Cherif, H Silkan
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Networking, Information …, 2019
Building a syntactic rules-based stemmer to improve search effectiveness for arabic language
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
2014 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and …, 2014
Query expansion based on clustering and personalized information retrieval
H Khalifi, W Cherif, AE Qadi, Y Ghanou
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 8, 241-251, 2019
New rules-based algorithm to improve Arabic stemming accuracy
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 3 (3-4), 315-336, 2015
A combination of low-level light stemming and support vector machines for the classification of Arabic opinions
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
2016 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and …, 2016
A hybrid optimal weighting scheme and machine learning for rendering sentiments in tweets
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 4 (3-4), 322-339, 2016
Combination of stylo-based features and frequency-based features for identifying the author of short Arabic text
M Al-Sarem, W Cherif, AA Wahab, AH Emara, M Kissi
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems …, 2018
Text categorization based on a new classification by thresholds
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 10 (4), 433-447, 2021
Support vector machines for modelling phosphocalcic hydroxyapatite by precipitation from a calcium carbonate solution and phosphoric acid solution
H Labjar, W Cherif, S Nadir, K Digua, B Sallek, H Chaair
Journal of Taibah University for Science 10 (5), 745-754, 2016
Adaptive user-product recommendation system using supervised and unsupervised classification models
A Sennouni, W Cherif
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of …, 2019
Integrating effective rules to improve arabic text stemming
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
2014 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS …, 2014
Supervised classification by thresholds: Application to automated text categorization and opinion mining
W Cherif, A Madani, M Kissi
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 34 (4), e6613, 2022
Using deep features extraction and ensemble classifiers to detect glaucoma from fundus images
SCT Koumetio, EAA Alaoui, I Chabbar, W Cherif, H Silkan
Emerging Trends in ICT for Sustainable Development, 63-70, 2021
Machine learning aprroach for early detection of glaucoma from visual fields
SCK Tekouabou, EAA Alaoui, I Chabbar, W Cherif, H Silkan
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Networking, Information …, 2020
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