Fatma Helmy Ismail
Fatma Helmy Ismail
Other namesFatma Helmy
Misr International University
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Cited by
Coaid-deep: An optimized intelligent framework for automated detecting covid-19 misleading information on twitter
DS Abdelminaam, FH Ismail, M Taha, A Taha, EH Houssein, A Nabil
Ieee Access 9, 27840-27867, 2021
Enhanced elephant herding optimization for global optimization
AAK Ismaeel, IA Elshaarawy, EH Houssein, FH Ismail, AE Hassanien
IEEE Access 7, 34738-34752, 2019
Gradient-based optimizer improved by Slime Mould Algorithm for global optimization and feature selection for diverse computation problems
AA Ewees, FH Ismail, AT Sahlol
Expert Systems with Applications 213, 118872, 2023
A modified inception-v4 for imbalanced skin cancer classification dataset
T Emara, HM Afify, FH Ismail, AE Hassanien
2019 14th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems …, 2019
Arabicdialects: An efficient framework for arabic dialects opinion mining on twitter using optimized deep neural networks
DS Abdelminaam, N Neggaz, IAE Gomaa, FH Ismail, AA Elsawy
Ieee Access 9, 97079-97099, 2021
An efficient adaptive-mutated coati optimization algorithm for feature selection and global optimization
FA Hashim, EH Houssein, RR Mostafa, AG Hussien, F Helmy
Alexandria Engineering Journal 85, 29-48, 2023
Chaotic bird swarm optimization algorithm
FH Ismail, EH Houssein, AE Hassanien
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Optimizing the parameters of Sugeno based adaptive neuro fuzzy using artificial bee colony: A case study on predicting the wind speed
FH Ismail, MA Aziz, AE Hassanien
2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2016
Aom-mpa: Arabic opinion mining using marine predators algorithm based feature selection
DS AbdElminaam, N Neggaz, IAE Gomaa, FH Ismail, A Elsawy
2021 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference …, 2021
Face liveness detection using a sequential cnn technique
AA Mohamed, MM Nagah, MG Abdelmonem, MY Ahmed, M El-Sahhar, ...
2021 IEEE 11th annual computing and communication workshop and conference …, 2021
Elephant herd optimization with neural networks: a case study on acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis
AT Sahlol, FH Ismail, A Abdeldaim, AE Hassanien
2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems …, 2017
Monuments recognition using deep learning vs machine learning
S Hesham, R Khaled, D Yasser, S Refaat, N Shorim, FH Ismail
2021 IEEE 11th annual computing and communication workshop and conference …, 2021
Wild horse optimizer-based spiral updating for feature selection
AA Ewees, FH Ismail, RM Ghoniem
IEEE Access 10, 106258-106274, 2022
An exploration-enhanced elephant herding optimization
IA ElShaarawy, EH Houssein, FH Ismail, AE Hassanien
Engineering Computations 36 (9), 3029-3046, 2019
Enhanced marine predators algorithm for solving global optimization and feature selection problems
AA Ewees, FH Ismail, RM Ghoniem, MA Gaheen
Mathematics 10 (21), 4154, 2022
Egyart_classify: an approach to classify outpainted Egyptian monuments images using GAN and ResNet
K Yasser, AM Salama, A Amr, LE Yehia, S Refaat, FH Ismail
2022 2nd International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2022
Parameters extraction of the three-diode photovoltaic model using crayfish optimization algorithm
DS AbdElminaam, AS Alluhaidan, FH Ismail, SA El-Rahman
IEEE Access, 2024
Improved machine learning technique for feature reduction and its application in spam email detection
AA Ewees, MA Gaheen, MM Alshahrani, AM Anter, FH Ismail
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1-23, 2024
StyleBusters: Protecting the intellectual property rights of designers using deep learning techniques
W Mohamed, S Wael, A Hesham, A Moataz, M ElSahhar, FH Ismail
2023 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference …, 2023
Extracting valuable associations among textural features of medical images
FH Ismail, AE Hassanien
2018 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems …, 2018
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Articles 1–20