Tamás G. Molnár
Tamás G. Molnár
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Model-free safety-critical control for robotic systems
TG Molnar, RK Cosner, AW Singletary, W Ubellacker, AD Ames
IEEE robotics and automation letters 7 (2), 944-951, 2021
Application of predictor feedback to compensate time delays in connected cruise control
TG Molnár, WB Qin, T Insperger, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 545-559, 2018
Safety-critical control with input delay in dynamic environment
TG Molnar, AK Kiss, AD Ames, G Orosz
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 31 (4), 1507-1520, 2022
On the robust stabilizability of unstable systems with feedback delay by finite spectrum assignment
TG Molnar, T Insperger
Journal of Vibration and Control 22 (3), 649-661, 2016
Safety-critical manipulation for collision-free food preparation
A Singletary, W Guffey, TG Molnar, R Sinnet, AD Ames
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 10954-10961, 2022
Disturbance observers for robust safety-critical control with control barrier functions
A Alan, TG Molnar, E Daş, AD Ames, G Orosz
IEEE Control Systems Letters 7, 1123-1128, 2022
On the analysis of the double Hopf bifurcation in machining processes via centre manifold reduction
TG Molnar, Z Dombovari, T Insperger, G Stepan
Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering …, 2017
Measurement-robust control barrier functions: Certainty in safety with uncertainty in state
RK Cosner, AW Singletary, AJ Taylor, TG Molnar, KL Bouman, AD Ames
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Experimental investigation of dynamic chip formation in orthogonal cutting
TG Molnar, S Berezvai, AK Kiss, D Bachrathy, G Stepan
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 145, 103429, 2019
Safety-Critical Control of Active Interventions for COVID-19 Mitigation
AD Ames, TG Molnár, AW Singletary, G Orosz
IEEE Access 8, 188454-188474, 2020
On the deployment of V2X roadside units for traffic prediction
L Jiang, TG Molnár, G Orosz
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 129, 103238, 2021
Extension of process damping to milling with low radial immersion
TG Molnár, T Insperger, D Bachrathy, G Stépán
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 89 (9), 2545-2556, 2017
Safety-critical traffic control by connected automated vehicles
C Zhao, H Yu, TG Molnar
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 154, 104230, 2023
Safe backstepping with control barrier functions
AJ Taylor, P Ong, TG Molnar, AD Ames
2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5775-5782, 2022
Safety-Critical Control of Compartmental Epidemiological Models with Measurement Delays
TG Molnár, AW Singletary, G Orosz, AD Ames
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (5), 1537-1542, 2021
Safety-aware preference-based learning for safety-critical control
R Cosner, M Tucker, A Taylor, K Li, T Molnar, W Ubelacker, A Alan, ...
Learning for dynamics and control conference, 1020-1033, 2022
Estimation of the bistable zone for machining operations for the case of a distributed cutting-force model
TG Molnár, T Insperger, S John Hogan, G Stépán
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 11 (5), 051008, 2016
Conflict analysis for cooperative maneuvering with status and intent sharing via V2X communication
HM Wang, SS Avedisov, TG Molnár, AH Sakr, O Altintas, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8 (2), 1105-1118, 2022
Experimental observations on unsafe zones in milling processes
Z Dombovari, A Iglesias, TG Molnar, G Habib, J Munoa, R Kuske, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2153), 20180125, 2019
Delayed Lagrangian continuum models for on-board traffic prediction
TG Molnár, D Upadhyay, M Hopka, M Van Nieuwstadt, G Orosz
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 123, 102991, 2021
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Articles 1–20