Aki Tsunemoto
Cited by
Cited by
Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about second language pronunciation teaching, their experience, and speech assessments
A Tsunemoto, P Trofimovich, S Kennedy
Language Teaching Research 27 (1), 115-136, 2023
Exploring Japanese EFL learners’ attitudes toward English pronunciation and its relationship to perceived accentedness
A Tsunemoto, K McDonough
Language and speech 64 (1), 24-34, 2021
Visual cues and rater perceptions of second language comprehensibility, accentedness, and fluency
A Tsunemoto, R Lindberg, P Trofimovich, K Mcdonough
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44 (3), 659-684, 2022
Effects of benchmarking and peer‐assessment on French learners' self‐assessments of accentedness, comprehensibility, and fluency
A Tsunemoto, P Trofimovich, J Blanchet, J Bertrand, S Kennedy
Foreign Language Annals 55 (1), 135-154, 2022
Speech Comprehensibility
P Trofimovich, T Isaacs, S Kennedy, A Tsunemoto
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Speaking, 174-187, 2022
Listener perceptions of customer service agents’ performance: Do comprehensibility, accentedness, and fluency matter?
A Tsunemoto, M McAndrews, P Trofimovich, E Friginal
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2022
Using task practice to reduce social influences on listener evaluations of second language accent and comprehensibility
K Taylor Reid, P Trofimovich, MG O’Brien, A Tsunemoto
International Journal of Listening 36 (3), 283-298, 2022
Exploring the Stability of Second Language Speech Ratings through Task Practice in Bilinguals’ Two Languages
KT Reid, MG O’Brien, P Trofimovich, A Tsunemoto
Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2 (2), 315–329, 2020
The relationship between Japanese EFL learners’ perceived fluency and temporal speech measures in a read-aloud task
A Tsunemoto, P Uludag, K McDonough, T Isaacs
JALT Journal 45, 107–121, 2023
Effects of awareness-raising activities on Japanese university students’ listening comprehension of World English pronunciation
K Yokomoto, A Tsunemoto, Y Suzukida
Lingua (Sophia University Bulletin) 32, 97-113, 2021
Coherence and Comprehensibility in Second Language Speakers’ Academic Speaking Performance
A Tsunemoto, P Trofimovich
Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-23, 2024
Pre-and in-service teachers' beliefs about second language pronunciation teaching, their experience, and speech assessments
A Tsunemoto, P Trofimovich
System 103125, 2023
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Articles 1–12