Kimberly Maich
Kimberly Maich
Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University
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Autism spectrum disorders in popular media: Storied reflections of societal views
K Maich
Brock Education Journal 23 (2), 2014
Read two books and write me in the morning! Bibliotherapy for social emotional intervention in the inclusive classroom.
K Maich, S Kean
TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus 1 (2), n2, 2004
School principals and students with special education needs: Leading inclusive schools
S Sider, K Maich, J Morvan
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 40 (2), 1-31, 2017
Implementing iPads in the inclusive classroom setting
K Maich, C Hall
Intervention in School and Clinic 51 (3), 145-150, 2016
Using picture books to create peer awareness about autism spectrum disorders in the inclusive classroom
K Maich, EC Belcher
Intervention in school and clinic 47 (4), 206-213, 2012
Inclusive school leadership: Examining the experiences of Canadian school principals in supporting students with special education needs
S Sider, K Maich, J Morvan, M Villella, P Ling, C Repp
Journal of research in special educational needs 21 (3), 233-241, 2021
Canadian school programs for students with emotional/behavioral disorders: An updated look
D Dworet, K Maich
Behavioral disorders 33 (1), 33-42, 2007
Sexuality education for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder in Canada
AWJ Davies, AS Balter, T van Rhijn, J Spracklin, K Maich, R Soud
Intervention in School and Clinic 58 (2), 129-134, 2022
Peer play in inclusive child care settings: Assessing the impact of Stay, Play, & Talk, a peer-mediated social skills program
T van Rhijn, C Osborne, S Ranby, K Maich, C Hall, L Rzepecki, ...
Child care in Practice 27 (3), 224-238, 2021
Teaching and learning in two iPad-infused classrooms: A descriptive case study of a dual classroom, school-based pilot project
K Maich, CL Hall, T van Rhijn, M Henning
Exceptionality Education International, 2017
Investigating stay, play, & talk: A peer-mediated social skills intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorder and other social challenges
K Maich, CL Hall, T van Rhijn, K Squires
Exceptionality Education International, 2018
A relaxation station in every location
K Maich, AWJ Davies, T van Rhijn
Intervention in School and Clinic 54 (3), 160-165, 2019
Teachers’ perceptions of the need for assistive technology training in Newfoundland and Labrador’s rural schools
K Maich, T van Rhijn, H Woods, K Brochu
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2017
Developing social skills of summer campers with autism spectrum disorder: A case study of camps on TRACKS implementation in an inclusive day-camp setting
K Maich, C Hall, T van Rhijn, L Quinlan
Exceptionality Education International, 2015
Autism spectrum disorder and maternal employment barriers: A comprehensive gender-based inquiry
K Maich, AWJ Davies, T Sohrabi
Canadian Journal of Family and Youth 11 (1), 104-135, 2019
Assistive technology tools: Supporting literacy learning for all learners in the inclusive classroom
S Sider, K Maich
What Works? Research into Practice 50 (1), 1-12, 2014
Self-Determination and Inclusion: The Role of Canadian Principals in Catalyzing Inclusive-Positive Practices.
JWH MacCormack, S Sider, K Maich, JA Specht
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 17 (2), n2, 2021
Cultivating a self-study community of practice: Reflections of faculty on issues of evolution and functioning
K Goodnough, C Arnold, S Azam, K Maich, A Moghaddam, S Penney, ...
Studying Teacher Education 16 (2), 145-163, 2020
Autism spectrum disorder in the Ontario context: An introduction
K Maich, C Hall
Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2016
The role of quality ECE in facilitating mental health and well-being in children
SC Penney, G Young, E Butler, K Maich, DF Philpott
Exceptionality Education International 29 (3), 57-76, 2019
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Articles 1–20