Melissa Meade
Melissa Meade
Assistant Professor, Huron University
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The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall
JD Wammes, ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (9), 1752-1776, 2016
The surprisingly powerful influence of drawing on memory
MA Fernandes, JD Wammes, ME Meade
Current Directions in Psychological Science 27 (5), 302-308, 2018
Creating a recollection-based memory through drawing.
JD Wammes, ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 44 (5), 734, 2018
Drawing as an encoding tool: Memorial benefits in younger and older adults
ME Meade, JD Wammes, MA Fernandes
Experimental aging research 44 (5), 369-396, 2018
Learning terms and definitions: Drawing and the role of elaborative encoding
JD Wammes, ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Acta Psychologica 179, 104-113, 2017
Active navigation in virtual environments benefits spatial memory in older adults
ME Meade, JG Meade, H Sauzeon, MA Fernandes
Brain sciences 9 (3), 47, 2019
Comparing the influence of doodling, drawing, and writing at encoding on memory.
ME Meade, JD Wammes, MA Fernandes
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2019
Visuo-haptic integration in object identification using novel objects
G Desmarais, M Meade, T Wells, M Nadeau
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 2478-2498, 2017
A smartphone intervention that enhances real-world memory and promotes differentiation of hippocampal activity in older adults
CB Martin, B Hong, RN Newsome, K Savel, ME Meade, A Xia, CJ Honey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (51), e2214285119, 2022
Drawing pictures at encoding enhances memory in healthy older adults and in individuals with probable dementia
ME Meade, M Ahmad, MA Fernandes
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 27 (6), 880-901, 2020
The benefit (and cost) of drawing as an encoding strategy
ME Meade, MD Klein, MA Fernandes
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (2), 199-210, 2020
The role of semantically related distractors during encoding and retrieval of words in long-term memory
ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Memory 24 (6), 801-811, 2016
Semantic and visual relatedness of distractors impairs episodic retrieval of pictures in a divided attention paradigm
ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Visual Cognition 25 (7-8), 825-840, 2017
Unique events improve episodic richness, enhance mood, and alter the perception of time during isolation
M Meade, M Chang, K Savel, B Hong, CB Martin, M Barense
OSF, 2023
Spatial Context Scaffolds Long-Term Episodic Richness of Weaker Real-World Autobiographical Memories
M Chang, B Hong, K Savel, M Meade, CB Martin, M Barense
PsyArXiv, 2022
The benefits and boundary conditions of drawing on episodic memory
M Meade
University of Waterloo, 2019
Brain regions supporting retrieval of words drawn at encoding: fMRI evidence for multimodal reactivation
BRT Roberts, ME Meade, MA Fernandes
Memory & Cognition, 1-17, 2024
Drawing promotes memory retention in a patient with sleep-related anterograde amnesia
N Matorina, ME Meade, J Starenky, MD Barense
Memory & Cognition, 1-14, 2024
Spatial context scaffolds long-term episodic richness of weaker real-world autobiographical memories in both older and younger adults
M Chang, B Hong, K Savel, J Du, ME Meade, CB Martin, MD Barense
Memory 32 (4), 431-448, 2024
Drawing promotes memory retention in a patient with anterograde amnesia
N Matorina, ME Meade, J Starenky, M Barense
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Articles 1–20