Clara H. Mulder
Clara H. Mulder
Professor of demography and space, University of Groningen
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Residential relocations in the life course
CH Mulder, P Hooimeijer
Population Issues: An interdisciplinary focus, 159-186, 0
Migration dynamics: A life course approach
CH Mulder
AmsterdamThesis, 1993
Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens
RA Settersten Jr, L Bernardi, J Härkönen, TC Antonucci, PA Dykstra, ...
Advances in Life Course Research 45, 100360, 2020
First-time home-ownership in the family life course: A West German-Dutch comparison
CH Mulder, M Wagner
Urban studies 35 (4), 687-713, 1998
Migration and marriage in the life course: a method for studying synchronized events
CH Mulder, M Wagner
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie, 55-76, 1993
Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: a multi-actor, multi-method panel study on solidarity in family relationships, Wave 2, Version 2.0, April 2012
PA Dykstra, M Kalmijn, TCM Knijn, AE Komter, AC Liefbroer, CH Mulder
NIDI, Erasmus University, Tilburg University, Utrecht University, VU …, 2012
Population and housing: a two-sided relationship
CH Mulder
Demographic research 15, 401-412, 2006
Homeownership regimes and low fertility
CH Mulder, FC Billari
Housing studies 25 (4), 527-541, 2010
The family context and residential choice: A challenge for new research
CH Mulder
Population, space and place 13 (4), 265-278, 2007
Home-ownership and family formation
CH Mulder
Journal of housing and the built environment 21, 281-298, 2006
The timing of household events and housing events in the Netherlands: A longitudinal perspective
P Feijten, CH Mulder
Housing studies 17 (5), 773-792, 2002
Moving and union dissolution
PJ Boyle, H Kulu, T Cooke, V Gayle, CH Mulder
Demography 45 (1), 209-222, 2008
The connections between family formation and first-time home ownership in the context of West Germany and the Netherlands
CH Mulder, M Wagner
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de demographie 17, 137-164, 2001
Residential experience and residential environment choice over the life-course
P Feijten, P Hooimeijer, CH Mulder
Urban studies 45 (1), 141-162, 2008
Intergenerational transmission of homeownership: The roles of gifts and continuities in housing market characteristics
A Helderman, C Mulder
Urban Studies 44 (2), 231-247, 2007
Life events and the gap between intention to move and actual mobility
C De Groot, CH Mulder, M Das, D Manting
Environment and planning A 43 (1), 48-66, 2011
Highly skilled migration between the Global North and South: gender, life courses and institutions
A Bailey, CH Mulder
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 43 (16), 2689-2703, 2017
Parent–child coresidence: Who moves in with whom and for whose needs?
A Smits, RI Van Gaalen, CH Mulder
Journal of Marriage and Family 72 (4), 1022-1033, 2010
Leaving home for college and gaining independence
CH Mulder, WAV Clark
Environment and Planning A 34 (6), 981-999, 2002
Family events and the residential mobility of couples
F Michielin, CH Mulder
Environment and Planning A 40 (11), 2770-2790, 2008
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Articles 1–20