Sherry L. Dupuis, PhD
Sherry L. Dupuis, PhD
Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
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Cited by
Naked truths: Towards a reflexive methodology in leisure research
SL Dupuis
Leisure sciences 21 (1), 43-64, 1999
An examination of relationship between psychological well-being and depression and leisure activity participation among older adults
SL Dupuis, BJA Smale
Loisir et société/Society and Leisure 18 (1), 67-92, 1995
Pathologizing behavior: Meanings of behaviors in dementia care
SL Dupuis, E Wiersma, L Loiselle
Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2), 162-173, 2012
Moving beyond patient and client approaches: Mobilizing ‘authentic partnerships’ in dementia care, support and services
SL Dupuis, J Gillies, J Carson, C Whyte, R Genoe, L Loiselle, L Sadler
Dementia 11 (4), 427-452, 2012
Life satisfaction
RC Mannell, S Dupuis
Elsevier, 2007
The role of leisure within the dementia context
MR Genoe, SL Dupuis
Dementia 13 (1), 33-58, 2014
Dementia discourse: From imposed suffering to knowing other-wise
GJ Mitchell, SL Dupuis, P Kontos
Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, 2013
Becoming institutional bodies: Socialization into a long-term care home
E Wiersma, SL Dupuis
Journal of Aging Studies 24 (4), 278-291, 2010
Understanding ambiguous loss in the context of dementia care: Adult children's perspectives
SL Dupuis
Journal of Gerontological Social Work 37 (2), 93-115, 2002
An examination of family caregiver experiences during care transitions of older adults
JL Giosa, P Stolee, SL Dupuis, SE Mock, SM Santi
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 33 (2), 137-153, 2014
Leisure and ageing well
SL Dupuis, M Alzheimer
World Leisure Journal 50 (2), 91-107, 2008
Re-claiming citizenship through the arts
SL Dupuis, P Kontos, G Mitchell, C Jonas-Simpson, J Gray
Dementia 15 (3), 358-380, 2016
Theoretical foundations guiding culture change: The work of the Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance
S Dupuis, CA McAiney, D Fortune, J Ploeg, L Witt
Dementia 15 (1), 85-105, 2016
Mealtimes and being connected in the community-based dementia context
HH Keller, L Schindel Martin, S Dupuis, R Genoe, H Gayle Edward, ...
Dementia 9 (2), 191-213, 2010
Changes in family involvement following a relative's move to a long-term care facility
JW Gladstone, SL Dupuis, E Wexler
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 25 (1), 93-106, 2006
Just dance with me: An authentic partnership approach to understanding leisure in the dementia context
SL Dupuis, C Whyte, J Carson, R Genoe, L Meshino, L Sadler
World Leisure Journal 54 (3), 240-254, 2012
Understanding the experience of moving a loved one to a long-term care facility: Family members' perspectives
GF Reuss, SL Dupuis, K Whitfield
Journal of Gerontological Social Work 46 (1), 17-46, 2005
Raising the curtain on stigma associated with dementia: fostering a new cultural imaginary for a more inclusive society
P Kontos, A Grigorovich, S Dupuis, C Jonas-Simpson, G Mitchell, J Gray
Critical public health 30 (1), 91-102, 2020
Honouring identity through mealtimes in families living with dementia
R Genoe, SL Dupuis, HH Keller, LS Martin, C Cassolato, HG Edward
Journal of Aging Studies 24 (3), 181-193, 2010
Picturing Leisure: Using Photovoice to Understand the Experience of Leisure and Dementia.
MR Genoe, SL Dupuis
Qualitative Report 18, 21, 2013
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