Derek Jacoby
Cited by
Cited by
Misinformation effects in recall: Creating false memories through repeated retrieval
HL Roediger III, JD Jacoby, KB McDermott
Journal of Memory and Language 35 (2), 300-318, 1996
Integration of physical and virtual namespace
R Meijer, DC Hebenthal, LN Dillingham, KA Stebbens, JD Jacoby, ...
US Patent 6,256,031, 2001
Active content wizard execution with improved conspicuity
J Finnigan, S Sen, A McGlinchey, A Bala, J Jacoby
US Patent App. 10/944,688, 2005
MIPAD: A next generation PDA prototype
X Huang, A Acero, C Chelba, L Deng, D Duchene, J Goodman, HW Hon, ...
Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000
Application abstraction with dialog purpose
FM Galanes, HW Hon, JD Jacoby, RJ Lecoueche, SF Potter
US Patent 7,711,570, 2010
Web server controls for web enabled recognition and/or audible prompting
FM Galanes, HW Hon, JD Jacoby, RJ Lecoeuche, SF Potter, SM Warren
US Patent 8,224,650, 2012
Web server controls for web enabled recognition and/or audible prompting
FM Galanes, HW Hon, JD Jacoby, RJ Lecoueche, SF Potter, SM Warren
US Patent 8,229,753, 2012
Distributed speech processing in MiPad's multimodal user interface
L Deng, K Wang, A Acero, HW Hon, J Droppo, C Boulis, YY Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 10 (8), 605-619, 2002
MiPad: A multimodal interaction prototype
X Huang, A Acero, C Chelba, L Deng, J Droppo, D Duchene, J Goodman, ...
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Application abstraction with dialog purpose
FM Galanes, HW Hon, JD Jacoby, RJ Lecoeuche, SF Potter
US Patent 8,165,883, 2012
Performance of OLCI Sentinel-3A satellite in the Northeast Pacific coastal waters
F Giannini, BPV Hunt, D Jacoby, M Costa
Remote Sensing of Environment 256, 112317, 2021
Automatic text generation
A Bala, A McGlinchey, S Sen, J Jacoby, HW Hon
US Patent App. 10/887,058, 2005
Importation of automatically generated content
AJ Mcglinchey, A Bala, JD Jacoby
US Patent 7,036,079, 2006
Method and system for extending functionality of a management console
AC Romano, RK Rudrappa, D Jacoby, SD Burggraaf, JS Newman, ...
US Patent 6,460,089, 2002
Incorporation of speech engine training into interactive user tutorial
D Mowatt, F Andrew, J Jacoby, O Scholz, P Kennedy
US Patent App. 11/265,726, 2007
Estimating Genomic Category Probabilities from Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization Counts with Misclassification
PF Thall, D Jacoby, SO Zimmerman
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 45 …, 1996
Metrics for evaluation of educational experiences: Will virtual reality have impact?
R Ralph, D Jacoby, Y Coady, D Balachandar, E Burt, N Hnguyen, J Kim, ...
2017 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal …, 2017
Evoked response potential training on a consumer EEG headset
JD Jacoby, M Tory, J Tanaka
2015 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal …, 2015
An Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error
M Plaudis, M Azam, D Jacoby, MA Drouin, Y Coady
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
No such thing as a “free launch”? Systematic benchmarking of containers
T Wei, M Malhotra, B Gao, T Bednar, D Jacoby, Y Coady
2017 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal …, 2017
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Articles 1–20