Andrew K. Jorgenson
Andrew K. Jorgenson
Other namesAndrew Jorgenson
Professor, University of British Columbia; Research Fellow, Vilnius University
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Are the Economy and the Environment Decoupling? A Comparative International Study, 1960–2005
AK Jorgenson, B Clark
American Journal of Sociology 118 (1), 1-44, 2012
Consumption and environmental degradation: A cross-national analysis of the ecological footprint
AK Jorgenson
Social Problems 50 (3), 374-394, 2003
Unequal Ecological Exchange and Environmental Degradation: A Theoretical Proposition and Cross‐National Study of Deforestation, 1990–2000
AK Jorgenson
Rural Sociology 71 (4), 685-712, 2006
Income Inequality and Carbon Emissions in the United States: A State-Level Analysis, 1997-2012
AK Jorgenson, J Schor, X Huang
Ecological Economics 134, 40-48, 2017
Does foreign investment harm the air we breathe and the water we drink? A cross-national study of carbon dioxide emissions and organic water pollution in less-developed …
AK Jorgenson
Organization & Environment 20 (2), 137-156, 2007
The economy, military, and ecologically unequal exchange relationships in comparative perspective: A panel study of the Ecological Footprints of nations, 1975–2000
AK Jorgenson, B Clark
Social Problems 56 (4), 621-646, 2009
Economic Development and the Carbon Intensity of Human Well-Being
AK Jorgenson
Nature Climate Change 4, 186-189, 2014
Societies consuming nature: A panel study of the ecological footprints of nations, 1960–2003
AK Jorgenson, B Clark
Social Science Research 40 (1), 226-244, 2011
The political-economic causes of change in the ecological footprints of nations, 1991–2001: a quantitative investigation
AK Jorgenson, TJ Burns
Social Science Research 36 (2), 834-853, 2007
Ecologically Unequal Exchange: A Theory of Global Environmental Injustice
JE Givens, X Huang, AK Jorgenson
Sociology Compass, e12693, 2019
Social Science Perspectives on Drivers of and Responses to Global Climate Change
AK Jorgenson, S Fiske, K Hubacek, J Li, T McGovern, T Rick, J Schor, ...
WIREs Climate Change 10, e554, 2019
The effects of affluence, economic development, and environmental degradation on environmental concern: A multilevel analysis
JE Givens, AK Jorgenson
Organization & Environment 24 (1), 74-91, 2011
Militarization and the environment: a panel study of carbon dioxide emissions and the ecological footprints of nations, 1970–2000
AK Jorgenson, B Clark, J Kentor
Global Environmental Politics 10 (1), 7-29, 2010
Wealth Inequality and Carbon Emissions in High-Income Countries
K Knight, J Schor, A Jorgenson
Social Currents 4 (5), 403-412, 2017
Global warming and the neglected greenhouse gas: A cross-national study of the social causes of methane emissions intensity, 1995
AK Jorgenson
Social Forces 84 (3), 1779-1798, 2006
Energy consumption, human well-being and economic development in central and eastern European nations: A cautionary tale of sustainability
AK Jorgenson, A Alekseyko, V Giedraitis
Energy Policy 66, 419-427, 2014
Assessing the temporal stability of the population/environment relationship in comparative perspective: a cross-national panel study of carbon dioxide emissions, 1960–2005
AK Jorgenson, B Clark
Population and Environment 32, 27-41, 2010
The sociology of ecologically unequal exchange and carbon dioxide emissions, 1960-2005
AK Jorgenson
Social Science Research 41, 242-252, 2012
Environmental problems
RE Dunlap, AK Jorgenson
The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, 2012
Structural dynamics of international trade and material consumption: A cross-national study of the ecological footprints of less-developed countries
AK Jorgenson, J Rice
Journal of World-Systems Research 11 (1), 57-77, 2005
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Articles 1–20