Jennifer Murray
Jennifer Murray
Associate Professor, University of Guelph, Department of Psychology
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Addiction: failure of control over maladaptive incentive habits
D Belin, A Belin-Rauscent, JE Murray, BJ Everitt
Current opinion in neurobiology 23 (4), 564-572, 2013
Double dissociation of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatal control over the acquisition and performance of cocaine seeking
JE Murray, D Belin, BJ Everitt
Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (11), 2456-2466, 2012
Differential roles of the prefrontal cortical subregions and basolateral amygdala in compulsive cocaine seeking and relapse after voluntary abstinence in rats
Y Pelloux, JE Murray, BJ Everitt
European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (7), 3018-3026, 2013
The amygdala: securing pleasure and avoiding pain
ABP Fernando, JE Murray, AL Milton
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 7, 190, 2013
Effects of short-term and long-term depleted uranium exposure on open-field behavior and brain lipid oxidation in rats
W Briner, J Murray
Neurotoxicology and teratology 27 (1), 135-144, 2005
Basolateral and central amygdala differentially recruit and maintain dorsolateral striatum-dependent cocaine-seeking habits
JE Murray, A Belin-Rauscent, M Simon, C Giuliano, M Benoit-Marand, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 10088, 2015
Social dominance in rats: effects on cocaine self-administration, novelty reactivity and dopamine receptor binding and content in the striatum
B Jupp, JE Murray, ER Jordan, J Xia, M Fluharty, S Shrestha, TW Robbins, ...
Psychopharmacology 233, 579-589, 2016
N-acetylcysteine Facilitates Self-Imposed Abstinence After Escalation of Cocaine Intake
E Ducret, M Puaud, J Lacoste, A Belin-Rauscent, M Fouyssac, E Dugast, ...
Biological psychiatry 80 (3), 226-234, 2016
Heroin seeking becomes dependent on dorsal striatal dopaminergic mechanisms and can be decreased by N‐acetylcysteine
R Hodebourg, JE Murray, M Fouyssac, M Puaud, BJ Everitt, D Belin
European Journal of Neuroscience 50 (3), 2036-2044, 2019
Immune responses to methamphetamine by active immunization with peptide-based, molecular adjuvant-containing vaccines
MJ Duryee, RA Bevins, CM Reichel, JE Murray, Y Dong, GM Thiele, ...
Vaccine 27 (22), 2981-2988, 2009
Differential vulnerability to the punishment of cocaine related behaviours: effects of locus of punishment, cocaine taking history and alternative reinforcer availability
Y Pelloux, JE Murray, BJ Everitt
Psychopharmacology 232, 125-134, 2015
N‐Acetylcysteine reduces early‐ and late‐stage cocaine seeking without affecting cocaine taking in rats
JE Murray, BJ Everitt, D Belin
Addiction biology 17 (2), 437-440, 2012
Bupropion attenuates methamphetamine self-administration in adult male rats
CM Reichel, JE Murray, KM Grant, RA Bevins
Drug and alcohol dependence 100 (1-2), 54-62, 2009
Cannabinoid conditioned reward and aversion: behavioral and neural processes
JE Murray, RA Bevins
ACS chemical neuroscience 1 (4), 265-278, 2010
Behavioral and neuropharmacological characterization of nicotine as a conditional stimulus
JE Murray, RA Bevins
European journal of pharmacology 561 (1-3), 91-104, 2007
Increased impulsivity retards the transition to dorsolateral striatal dopamine control of cocaine seeking
JE Murray, R Dilleen, Y Pelloux, D Economidou, JW Dalley, D Belin, ...
Biological psychiatry 76 (1), 15-22, 2014
Cannabinoids, interoception, and anxiety
AK Andrade, B Renda, JE Murray
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 180, 60-73, 2019
Internal Stimuli Generated by Abused Substances: Role of Pavlovian conditioning and its implications for drug addiction
RA Bevins, JE Murray
Associative Learning and Conditioning: Human and Non-Human Applications, 270-289, 2011
The conditional stimulus effects of nicotine vary as a function of training dose
JE Murray, RA Bevins
Behavioural Pharmacology 18 (8), 707-716, 2007
Interoceptive Pavlovian conditioning with nicotine as the conditional stimulus varies as a function of the number of conditioning trials and unpaired sucrose deliveries
JL Wilkinson, JE Murray, C Li, SM Wiltgen, RD Penrod, SA Berg, ...
Behavioural pharmacology 17 (2), 161-172, 2006
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Articles 1–20