Jenny Bossaller
Jenny Bossaller
Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, University of Missouri
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Introduction to public librarianship
K De la Peņa McCook, JS Bossaller, F Thomas Jr
American Library Association, 2018
Fiction access points across computer-mediated book information sources: A comparison of online bookstores, reader advisory databases, and public library catalogs
D Adkins, JE Bossaller
Library & Information Science Research 29 (3), 354-368, 2007
Providing cognitively just subject access to indigenous knowledge through knowledge organization systems
H Moulaison Sandy, J Bossaller
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 55 (3), 129-152, 2017
Communication overload: A phenomenological inquiry into academic reference librarianship
C Sean Burns, J Bossaller
Journal of Documentation 68 (5), 597-617, 2012
Faculty views on eTextbooks: A narrative study
J Bossaller, J Kammer
College Teaching 62 (2), 68-75, 2014
Predatory publishing and the Ghana experience: A call to action for information professionals
K Atiso, J Kammer, J Bossaller
IFLA journal 45 (4), 277-288, 2019
Integrating service-learning pedagogy: A faculty reflective process
C Carracelas-Juncal, J Bossaller, G Yaoyuneyong
InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching 4, 28, 2009
Service learning as innovative pedagogy in online learning
JS Bossaller
Education for information 32 (1), 35-53, 2016
Sharing science: The state of institutional repositories in Ghana
J Bossaller, K Atiso
IFLA journal 41 (1), 25-39, 2015
The impact of project ECHO on physician preparedness to treat opioid use disorder: a systematic review
HM Puckett, JS Bossaller, LR Sheets
Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 16 (1), 6, 2021
Public library use of free e-resources
H Hill, J Bossaller
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 45 (2), 103-112, 2013
The role of serendipity in the story ideation process of print media journalists
M Bird-Meyer, S Erdelez, J Bossaller
Journal of Documentation 75 (5), 995-1012, 2019
A happy ambience: Incorporating ba and flow in library design
J Bossaller, D Oprean, A Urban, N Riedel
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 46 (6), 102228, 2020
Documenting the conversation: A systematic review of library discovery layers
JS Bossaller, HM Sandy
College & Research Libraries 78 (5), 602, 2017
Re-conceiving time in reference and information services work: A qualitative secondary analysis
VS Bossaller, Burns
Journal of Documentation, 2016
Critical theory, libraries and culture
J Bossaller, D Adkins, KM Thompson
Progressive Librarian, 25, 2010
Access to affordable care through public libraries
JS Bossaller
The Library Quarterly 86 (2), 193-212, 2016
Evidence, not authority: reconsidering presentation of science for difficult decisions
JS Bossaller
Reference and User Services Quarterly 53 (3), 232-241, 2014
The research data life cycle, legacy data, and dilemmas in research data management
J Bossaller, AJ Million
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 74 (6 …, 2023
Information literacy, work, and knowledge creation: A hermeneutic phenomenological point of view
A Suorsa, JS Bossaller, JM Budd
The Library Quarterly 91 (4), 457-472, 2021
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Articles 1–20