Bryan S. R. Grimwood
Cited by
Cited by
Ethical considerations of last chance tourism
J Dawson, MJ Johnston, EJ Stewart, CJ Lemieux, RH Lemelin, PT Maher, ...
Journal of Ecotourism 10 (3), 250-265, 2011
Responsibility in tourism: A discursive analysis
BSR Grimwood, O Yudina, M Muldoon, J Qiu
Annals of Tourism Research 50, 22-38, 2015
Engaged acclimatization: Towards responsible community‐based participatory research in Nunavut
BSR Grimwood, NC Doubleday, GJ Ljubicic, SG Donaldson, S Blangy
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 56 (2), 211-230, 2012
Advancing tourism’s moral morphology: Relational metaphors for just and sustainable arctic tourism
BSR Grimwood
Tourist Studies 15 (1), 3-26, 2015
Cultural sensitivity: Engaging difference in tourism
A Viken, E Höckert, BSR Grimwood
Annals of Tourism Research 89, 103223, 2021
A decolonizing settler story
BSR Grimwood, MJ Stinson, LJ King
Annals of Tourism Research 79, 102763, 2019
Situating the wildlife spectacle: ecofeminism, representation, and polar bear tourism
O Yudina, BSR Grimwood
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24 (5), 715-734, 2016
Settler colonialism, Indigenous cultures, and the promotional landscape of tourism in Ontario, Canada's ‘near North’
BSR Grimwood, ML Muldoon, ZM Stevens
Journal of Heritage Tourism 14 (3), 233-248, 2019
Cultivating Nature Connection: Instructor Narratives of Urban Outdoor Education
BSR Grimwood, M Gordon, Z Stevens
Journal of Experiential Education 41 (2), 204-219, 2018
Creating an Indigenized visitor code of conduct: The development of Denesoline self-determination for sustainable tourism
AP Holmes, BSR Grimwood, LJ King, Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24 (8-9), 1177-1193, 2016
Becoming common plantain: Metaphor, settler responsibility, and decolonizing tourism
MJ Stinson, BSR Grimwood, K Caton
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29 (2-3), 234-252, 2021
Illuminating traces: enactments of responsibility in practices of Arctic river tourists and inhabitants
BSR Grimwood, NC Doubleday
Journal of Ecotourism 12 (2), 53-74, 2013
Participatory action research: Democratizing knowledge for social justice
BSR Grimwood
Fostering social justice through qualitative inquiry, 196-217, 2022
Collective memory work as an unsettling methodology in tourism
BSR Grimwood, CW Johnson
Tourism Geographies 23 (1-2), 11-32, 2021
“Thinking outside the gunnels”: considering natures and the moral terrains of recreational canoe travel
BSR Grimwood
Leisure/Loisir 35 (1), 49-69, 2011
Becoming care-full: contextualizing moral development among captive elephant volunteer tourists to Thailand
M Taylor, CE Hurst, MJ Stinson, BSR Grimwood
Journal of Ecotourism 19 (2), 113-131, 2020
Looking at Arctic tourism through the lens of cultural sensitivity: ARCTISEN–a transnational baseline report
K Olsen, MS Abildgaard, C Brattland, D Chimirri, C De Bernardi, ...
University of Lapland, 2019
For Those to Come: An Introduction to Why Posthumanism Matters
BE Kumm, LA Berbary, BSR Grimwood
Leisure Sciences 41 (5), 341-347, 2019
New moral natures in tourism
BSR Grimwood, K Caton, L Cooke
Routledge, 2018
Conceptualizing cultural sensitivity in tourism: a systematic literature review
CE Hurst, BSR Grimwood, RH Lemelin, MJ Stinson
Tourism Recreation Research 46 (4), 500-515, 2021
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Articles 1–20