Abolfazl Ghassemi Ph.D., P.Eng.
Abolfazl Ghassemi Ph.D., P.Eng.
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Cited by
Cognitive radio for smart grid communications
A Ghassemi, S Bavarian, L Lampe
2010 First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications, 297-302, 2010
PAPR reduction of OFDM using PTS and error-correcting code subblocking-Transactions Papers
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 9 (3), 980-989, 2010
A low-complexity PTS-based radix FFT method for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (3), 1161-1166, 2008
Partial selective mapping OFDM with low complexity IFFTs
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
IEEE Communications Letters 12 (1), 4-6, 2008
Joint sidelobe and peak power reduction in OFDM-based cognitive radio
A Ghassemi, L Lampe, A Attar, TA Gulliver
2010 IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference-Fall, 1-5, 2010
Compressive sensing recovery of nonlinearly distorted OFDM signals
M Mohammadnia-Avval, A Ghassemi, L Lampe
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
PAPR Reduction in OFDM Based Cognitive Radio with Blockwise-Subcarrier Activation
AGTA Gulliver
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp.51-55, 2012
Joint Energy-QoE Efficient Content Delivery Networks Using Real-Time Energy Management
P Goudarzi, A Ghassemi, MR Mirsarraf, R Buyya
IEEE Systems Journal, 1 - 12, 2019
Fast Big Data Analytics for Smart Meter Data
M Mohajeri, A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2020
Radio over Fiber Based Networks for the Smart Grid
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver, JM Cioffi, GK Karagiannidis
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2014
Smart Hybrid Power System for Base Transceiver Stations with Real-Time Energy Management
GKK Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, A. Ghassemi
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2013
Fractional Selective mapping using Decimation in time IFFT/FFT
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 543-547, 2008
A simplified suboptimal algorithm for tone reservation OFDM
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2009
PTS peak power reduction of OFDM signals with low complexity IFFTs
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
Fifth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research …, 2007
A Stochastic Approach to Energy Cost Minimization in Smart-Grid-Enabled Data Center Network
TAG Abolfazl Ghassemi,1 Pejman Goudarzi,1 Mohammad R. Mirsarraf
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2019, 11, 2019
Compressive Sensing Based Estimation of OFDM Nonlinear Distortion
A Ghassemi, H Ghasemnezad, TA Gulliver
EEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2014
Intercarrier interference reduction in OFDM systems using low complexity selective mapping
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
IEEE transactions on communications 57 (6), 1608-1611, 2009
Low‐Complexity Distortionless Techniques for Peak Power Reduction in OFDM Communication Systems
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2012 (1), 929763, 2012
SLM-BASED radix FFT for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems
A Ghassemi, TA Gulliver
2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications …, 2007
Game based traffic exchange for green data center networks
A Ghassemi, P Goudarzi, MR Mirsarraf, TA Gulliver
Journal of Communications and Networks 20 (1), 85-92, 2018
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Articles 1–20