Simon Goring
Cited by
Cited by
Creating and maintaining high‐performing collaborative research teams: the importance of diversity and interpersonal skills
KS Cheruvelil, PA Soranno, KC Weathers, PC Hanson, SJ Goring, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 31-38, 2014
Macrosystems ecology: understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales
JB Heffernan, PA Soranno, MJ Angilletta Jr, LB Buckley, DS Gruner, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 5-14, 2014
The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a multiproxy, international, community-curated data resource
JW Williams, EC Grimm, JL Blois, DF Charles, EB Davis, SJ Goring, ...
Quaternary Research 89 (1), 156-177, 2018
Situating ecology as a big-data science: current advances, challenges, and solutions
SS Farley, A Dawson, SJ Goring, JW Williams
BioScience 68 (8), 563-576, 2018
Pollen-based climate reconstruction techniques for late Quaternary studies
M Chevalier, BAS Davis, O Heiri, H Seppä, BM Chase, K Gajewski, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103384, 2020
Holocene seasonality changes in the central Mediterranean region reconstructed from the pollen sequences of Lake Accesa (Italy) and Tenaghi Philippon (Greece)
O Peyron, S Goring, I Dormoy, U Kotthoff, J Pross, JL De Beaulieu, ...
The Holocene 21 (1), 131-146, 2011
Global acceleration in rates of vegetation change over the past 18,000 years
O Mottl, SGA Flantua, KP Bhatta, VA Felde, T Giesecke, S Goring, ...
Science 372 (6544), 860-864, 2021
Improving the culture of interdisciplinary collaboration in ecology by expanding measures of success
SJ Goring, KC Weathers, WK Dodds, PA Soranno, LC Sweet, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 39-47, 2014
Terrestrial climate variability and seasonality changes in the Mediterranean region between 15 000 and 4000 years BP deduced from marine pollen records
I Dormoy, O Peyron, N Combourieu Nebout, S Goring, U Kotthoff, ...
Climate of the Past 5 (4), 615-632, 2009
Linking abundances of the dung fungus Sporormiella to the density of bison: implications for assessing grazing by megaherbivores in palaeorecords
JL Gill, KK McLauchlan, AM Skibbe, S Goring, CR Zirbel, JW Williams
Journal of Ecology 101 (5), 1125-1136, 2013
Holocene vegetation and climate changes in the central Mediterranean inferred from a high-resolution marine pollen record (Adriatic Sea)
N Combourieu-Nebout, O Peyron, V Bout-Roumazeilles, S Goring, ...
Climate of the Past 9 (5), 2023-2042, 2013
Climate changes in the central Mediterranean and Italian vegetation dynamics since the Pliocene
N Combourieu-Nebout, A Bertini, E Russo-Ermolli, O Peyron, S Klotz, ...
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 218, 127-147, 2015
Contrasting patterns of climatic changes during the Holocene across the Italian Peninsula reconstructed from pollen data
O Peyron, M Magny, S Goring, S Joannin, JL De Beaulieu, E Brugiapaglia, ...
Climate of the Past 9 (3), 1233-1252, 2013
Neotoma: A programmatic interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database
S Goring, A Dawson, GL Simpson, K Ram, RW Graham, EC Grimm, ...
Open Quaternary 1, 2-2, 2015
Deposition times in the northeastern United States during the Holocene: establishing valid priors for Bayesian age models
S Goring, JW Williams, JL Blois, ST Jackson, CJ Paciorek, RK Booth, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 48, 54-60, 2012
Precipitation changes in the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene from terrestrial and marine pollen records: a model–data comparison
O Peyron, N Combourieu-Nebout, D Brayshaw, S Goring, ...
Climate of the Past 13 (3), 249-265, 2017
Pollen-based reconstruction of Holocene vegetation and climate in southern Italy: the case of Lago Trifoglietti
S Joannin, E Brugiapaglia, JL De Beaulieu, L Bernardo, M Magny, ...
Climate of the Past 8 (6), 1973-1996, 2012
Pollen assemblage richness does not reflect regional plant species richness: a cautionary tale
S Goring, T Lacourse, MG Pellatt, RW Mathewes
Journal of Ecology 101 (5), 1137-1145, 2013
A regional perspective on Holocene fire–climate–human interactions in the Pacific Northwest of North America
MK Walsh, JR Marlon, SJ Goring, KJ Brown, DG Gavin
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (6), 1135-1157, 2015
Quantifying pollen-vegetation relationships to reconstruct ancient forests using 19th-century forest composition and pollen data
A Dawson, CJ Paciorek, JS McLachlan, S Goring, JW Williams, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 137, 156-175, 2016
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Articles 1–20