Noga Vaisblat
Noga Vaisblat
Postdoctoral fellow, Civil Engineering, University of Alberta
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Basin scale distribution of organic matter in marine fine-grained sedimentary rocks: Insight from sequence stratigraphy and multi-proxies analysis in the Montney and Doig …
V Crombez, F Baudin, S Rohais, L Riquier, T Euzen, S Pauthier, M Ducros, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 382-401, 2017
On the magnitude of capillary pressure (suction potential) in tight rocks
A Moghadam, N Vaisblat, NB Harris, R Chalaturnyk
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190, 107133, 2020
Diagenetic model for the deep Montney Formation, northeastern British Columbia
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, C DeBhur, T Euzen, M Gasparrini, V Crombez, ...
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2016, 2017, 2017
Compositional and diagenetic evolution of a siltstone, with implications for reservoir quality; an example from the Lower Triassic Montney Formation in western Canada
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, K Ayranci, M Power, C DeBhur, DL Bish, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 129, 105066, 2021
Petrophysical properties of a siltstone reservoir-An example from the Montney Formation, western Canada
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, K Ayranci, R Chalaturnyk, M Power, C Twemlow, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 136, 105431, 2022
Geological controls on reservoir properties of the Montney Formation in northeastern BC: an integration of sequence stratigraphy, organic geochemistry, quantitative mineralogy …
T Euzen, B Everett, M Power, V Crombez, S Rohais, N Vaisblat, F Baudin
CSPG CSEG CWLS Joint Annual Convention, May 4–8 2015, Calgary, AB, 2015
Significance of rock compositional control on geomechanical properties and hydraulic fracturing of the Montney formation, western Canadian basin
N Vaisblat, AR Shokri, K Ayranci, N Harris, RJ Chalaturnyk
Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Brisbane …, 2020
Controls on Reservoir Quality in the Lower Triassic Montney Formation
N Vaisblat
Determination of fracture surface area from flowback data: A case study for northern Montney play, British Columbia, Canada
A Moghadam, N Vaisblat, NB Harris, R Chalaturnyk
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 87, 103791, 2021
Petrophysics, geomechanics and rock composition in the Montney Formation
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, T Euzen
Geoconvention 2015 Geoscience new horizons, 2015
A regional diagenetic and petrophysical model for the Montney Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, V Crombez, T Euzen, M Gasparrini, S Rohais
2015 AAPG Convention & Exhibition. Denver, Colorado, 2015
Geothermal Risk Mitigation through CO2 Storage
AR Shokri, N Vaisblat, A Wigston, Y Champollion, C Hickson, ...
GeoConvention, 2022
Petrophysical and Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Study of a deep hypersaline CO2 reservoir
N Vaisblat, N Deisman, RJ Chalaturnyk
Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT …, 2022
Application of migration modeling to unconventional reservoirs: An example from the Montney Formation northeastern British Columbia
V Chevrot, NB Harris, S Hernandez Medina, N Vaisblat
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 3449-3452, 2022
Origin and Evolution of Clay Mineralogy in the Montney Formation
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, DL Bish
University of Calgary: Calgary, AB, Canada, 2019
Load Recovery in Hydraulic Fracturing: Insights into Fracture Surface Area
A Moghadam, N Vaisblat, N Harris, R Chalaturnyk
2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition:, 2019
Is Siltstone Geomechanics on the Mixing Line Between Sandstone and Shale? Example From the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Montney Formation
N Vaisblat, K Ayranci, N Harris
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2017
Controlling Factors of the Organic Content in the Montney and Doig Formations (Alberta/British Columbia): Insights from Multi-Proxies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy
V Crombez, S Rohais, F Baudin, S Pauthier, L Riquier, B Caron, ...
Rock compositional control on geomechanical properties of the Montney Formation, Western Canadian Basin
N Vaisblat, NB Harris, K Ayranci, R Chalaturnyk, M Power
Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience 71 (2), 143-170, 2024
Distribution of Sedimentary Heterogeneities in Shale Plays: Insight From Sequence Stratigraphy, Multi-Proxies Analysis and Stratigraphic Modeling of the Montney and Doig …
V Crombez*, S Rohais, F Baudin, T Euzen, B Chauveau, S Pauthier, ...
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20