Yanjun Cao
Yanjun Cao
Polytechnique Montreal, University of Montreal
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Swarm of micro flying robots in the wild
X Zhou, X Wen, Z Wang, Y Gao, H Li, Q Wang, T Yang, H Lu, Y Cao, C Xu, ...
Science Robotics 7 (66), eabm5954, 2022
VIR-SLAM: Visual, inertial, and ranging SLAM for single and multi-robot systems
Y Cao, G Beltrame
Autonomous Robots 45, 905-917, 2021
Accurate position tracking with a single UWB anchor
Y Cao, C Yang, R Li, A Knoll, G Beltrame
2020 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2344-2350, 2020
Duckietown environments for openai gym
M Chevalier-Boisvert, F Golemo, Y Cao, B Mehta, L Paull
Planetary exploration with robot teams: Implementing higher autonomy with swarm intelligence
D St-Onge, M Kaufmann, J Panerati, B Ramtoula, Y Cao, EBJ Coffey, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 27 (2), 159-168, 2019
Dynamic range-only localization for multi-robot systems
Y Cao, M Li, I Švogor, S Wei, G Beltrame
IEEE access 6, 46527-46537, 2018
Distributed TDMA for mobile UWB network localization
Y Cao, C Chen, D St-Onge, G Beltrame
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (17), 13449-13464, 2021
CREPES: Cooperative RElative Pose EStimation towards Real-World Multi-Robot Systems
Z Xun, J Huang, Z Li, C Xu, F Gao, Y Cao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01036, 2023
Certifiably optimal mutual localization with anonymous bearing measurements
Y Wang, X Wen, L Yin, C Xu, Y Cao, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 9374-9381, 2022
Towards Efficient Trajectory Generation for Ground Robots beyond 2D Environment
J Wang, L Xu, H Fu, Z Meng, C Xu, Y Cao, X Lyu, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03323, 2023
Bearing-based Relative Localization for Robotic Swarm with Partially Mutual Observations
Y Wang, X Wen, Y Cao, C Xu, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08265, 2022
Ring-Rotor: A Novel Retractable Ring-shaped Quadrotor with Aerial Grasping and Transportation Capability
Y Wu, F Yang, Z Wang, K Wang, Y Cao, C Xu, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023
An entanglement-clearing robot for power transmission line with composite clearing tool
Y Cao, H Wang, Y Chang, L Zhang
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation …, 2015
Formation Flight in Dense Environments
L Quan, L Yin, T Zhang, M Wang, R Wang, S Zhong, Y Cao, C Xu, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.04048, 2022
Planetary exploration with robot teams
D St-Onge, M Kaufmann, J Panerati, B Ramtoula, Y Cao, EB Coffey, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2019
360botG2—An improved unit of mobile self-assembling modular robotic system aiming at exploration in real world
Y Cao, Y Leng, J Sun, Y Zhang, W Ge
IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2015
An Improved Four-Pin Gripper for Robust 2.5-D Form-Closure Grasp
R Li, Y Cao, Z Bing, H Qiao
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022
Collaborative localization and tracking with minimal infrastructure
Y Cao, D St-Onge, G Beltrame
2020 18th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS …, 2020
On the Communication Requirements of Decentralized Connectivity Control: A Field Experiment
J Panerati, B Ramtoula, D St-Onge, Y Cao, M Kaufmann, A Cowley, ...
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: 15th International Symposium, 95-107, 2022
Accurate Localization with Ultra-Wideband Ranging for Multi-Robot Systems
Y Cao
Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada), 2020
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