Dominic Klyve
Cited by
Cited by
Effect of low-intensity long-duration ultrasound on the symptomatic relief of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind study
DO Draper, D Klyve, R Ortiz, TM Best
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 13, 1-9, 2018
A Wieferich prime search up to 6.7× 1015
FG Dorais, D Klyve
J. Integer Seq 14 (9), 1-14, 2011
Graeco-Latin squares and a mistaken conjecture of Euler
D Klyve, L Stemkoski
The College Mathematics Journal 37 (1), 2-15, 2006
Sustainable safari practices: Proximity to wildlife, educational intervention, and the quality of experience
R Tarver, K Cohen, D Klyve, S Liseki
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 25, 76-83, 2019
Malpractice claims for endoscopy
LV Hernandez, D Klyve, SE Regenbogen
World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy 5 (4), 169, 2013
Low-intensity continuous ultrasound for the symptomatic treatment of upper shoulder and neck pain: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
S Petterson, K Plancher, D Klyve, D Draper, R Ortiz
Journal of Pain Research, 1277-1287, 2020
Explicit Bounds on Twin Primes and Brun's Constant
D Klyve
ProQuest, 2007
Measuring habits of mind: Toward a prompt-less instrument for assessing quantitative literacy
S Boersma, D Klyve
Numeracy 6 (1), 6, 2013
" Spare your arithmetic, never count the turns": A Statistical Analysis of Writing about Shakespeare, 1960–2010
L Estill, D Klyve, K Bridal
Shakespeare Quarterly 66 (1), 1-28, 2015
Longitudinal assessment of colonoscopy quality indicators: a report from the Gastroenterology Practice Management Group
LV Hernandez, TM Deas, MF Catalano, NM Guda, L Huang, SR Ketover, ...
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 80 (5), 835-841, 2014
New Bounds and Computations on Prime-Indexed Primes.
J Bayless, D Klyve, TO e Silva
Integers 13 (A43), 1-21, 2013
Darwin, Malthus, Süssmilch, and Euler: the ultimate origin of the motivation for the theory of natural selection
D Klyve
Journal of the History of Biology 47, 189-212, 2014
A Wieferich prime search up to
FG Dorais, D Klyve
J. Integer Seq 14 (9), 2011
Computing prime harmonic sums
E Bach, D Klyve, J Sorenson
Mathematics of computation 78 (268), 2283-2305, 2009
Sums over primitive sets with a fixed number of prime factors
J Bayless, P Kinlaw, D Klyve
Mathematics of Computation 88 (320), 3063-3077, 2019
The Euler archive
D Klyve, L Stemkoski, E Tou
Recuperado de: http://math. dartmouth. edu/* euler/. Accessed 21, 2012
On the sum of reciprocals of amicable numbers
J Bayless, D Klyve
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 11 (3), 315-332, 2011
Reciprocal sums as a knowledge metric: theory, computation, and perfect numbers
J Bayless, D Klyve
The American Mathematical Monthly 120 (9), 822-831, 2013
An empirical approach to the St. Petersburg paradox
D Klyve, A Lauren
The College Mathematics Journal 42 (4), 260-264, 2011
Teaching and research with original sources from the Euler Archive
D Klyve, L Stemkoski, E Tou
Convergence, 2011
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Articles 1–20