Andrew Callan-Jones
Andrew Callan-Jones
Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes
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Confinement and low adhesion induce fast amoeboid migration of slow mesenchymal cells
YJ Liu, M Le Berre, F Lautenschlaeger, P Maiuri, A Callan-Jones, ...
Cell 160 (4), 659-672, 2015
Curvature-driven lipid sorting needs proximity to a demixing point and is aided by proteins
B Sorre, A Callan-Jones, JB Manneville, P Nassoy, JF Joanny, J Prost, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5622-5626, 2009
Cortical contractility triggers a stochastic switch to fast amoeboid cell motility
V Ruprecht, S Wieser, A Callan-Jones, M Smutny, H Morita, K Sako, ...
Cell 160 (4), 673-685, 2015
Liquid-crystal diffraction gratings using polarization holography alignment techniques
GP Crawford, JN Eakin, MD Radcliffe, A Callan-Jones, RA Pelcovits
journal of Applied Physics 98 (12), 2005
Nature of curvature coupling of amphiphysin with membranes depends on its bound density
B Sorre, A Callan-Jones, J Manzi, B Goud, J Prost, P Bassereau, A Roux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (1), 173-178, 2012
Adaptive rheology and ordering of cell cytoskeleton govern matrix rigidity sensing
M Gupta, BR Sarangi, J Deschamps, Y Nematbakhsh, A Callan-Jones, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7525, 2015
When physics takes over: BAR proteins and membrane curvature
M Simunovic, GA Voth, A Callan-Jones, P Bassereau
Trends in cell biology 25 (12), 780-792, 2015
IRSp53 senses negative membrane curvature and phase separates along membrane tubules
C Prévost, H Zhao, J Manzi, E Lemichez, P Lappalainen, A Callan-Jones, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8529, 2015
Membrane shape modulates transmembrane protein distribution
S Aimon, A Callan-Jones, A Berthaud, M Pinot, GES Toombes, ...
Developmental cell 28 (2), 212-218, 2014
Friction mediates scission of tubular membranes scaffolded by BAR proteins
M Simunovic, JB Manneville, HF Renard, E Evergren, K Raghunathan, ...
Cell 170 (1), 172-184. e11, 2017
Cellular locomotion using environmental topography
A Reversat, F Gaertner, J Merrin, J Stopp, S Tasciyan, J Aguilera, ...
Nature 582 (7813), 582-585, 2020
Curvature-driven lipid sorting in biomembranes
A Callan-Jones, B Sorre, P Bassereau
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 3 (2), a004648, 2011
Curving cells inside and out: roles of BAR domain proteins in membrane shaping and its cellular implications
M Simunovic, E Evergren, A Callan-Jones, P Bassereau
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 35 (1), 111-129, 2019
Actin flows in cell migration: from locomotion and polarity to trajectories
AC Callan-Jones, R Voituriez
Current opinion in cell biology 38, 12-17, 2016
Viscous-fingering-like instability of cell fragments
AC Callan-Jones, JF Joanny, J Prost
Physical review letters 100 (25), 258106, 2008
Membrane curvature regulates ligand-specific membrane sorting of GPCRs in living cells
KR Rosholm, N Leijnse, A Mantsiou, V Tkach, SL Pedersen, VF Wirth, ...
Nature chemical biology 13 (7), 724-729, 2017
Large-scale curvature sensing by directional actin flow drives cellular migration mode switching
T Chen, A Callan-Jones, E Fedorov, A Ravasio, A Brugués, HT Ong, ...
Nature physics 15 (4), 393-402, 2019
Active gel model of amoeboid cell motility
AC Callan-Jones, R Voituriez
New Journal of Physics 15 (2), 025022, 2013
Hydrodynamics of active permeating gels
AC Callan-Jones, F Jülicher
New Journal of Physics 13 (9), 093027, 2011
The roles of microtubules and membrane tension in axonal beading, retraction, and atrophy
A Datar, J Ameeramja, A Bhat, R Srivastava, A Mishra, R Bernal, J Prost, ...
Biophysical journal 117 (5), 880-891, 2019
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Articles 1–20