Rogelio Oliva
Cited by
Cited by
Managing the transition from products to services
R Oliva, R Kallenberg
International Journal of Service Industry Management 14 (2), 160-172, 2003
Cutting corners and working overtime: Quality erosion in the service industry
R Oliva, JD Sterman
Management Science 47 (7), 894-914, 2001
Service growth in product firms: Past, present, and future
C Kowalkowski, H Gebauer, R Oliva
Industrial Marketing Management 60, 82-88, 2017
Cross-functional alignment in supply chain planning: A case study of Sales and Operations Planning
R Oliva, N Watson
Journal of Operations Management 29 (5), 434-448, 2011
Model calibration as a testing strategy for system dynamics models
R Oliva
European Journal of Operational Research 151 (3), 552-568, 2003
The greater whole: Towards a synthesis of system dynamics and soft systems methodology
DC Lane, R Oliva
European Journal of Operational Research 107 (1), 214-235, 1998
Environmental change and organizational transformation
FF Suarez, R Oliva
Industrial and Corporate Change 14 (6), 1017-1041, 2005
Overcoming the improvement paradox
E Keating, R Oliva, N Repenning, S Rockart, J Sterman
European Management Journal 17 (2), 120-134, 1999
Maps and models in system dynamics: A response to Coyle
J Homer, R Oliva
System Dynamics Review 17 (4), 347-355, 2001
System dynamics perspectives and modeling opportunities for research in Operations Management
J Sterman, R Oliva, K Linderman, E Bendoly
Journal of Operations Management 39, 1-5, 2015
A comprehensive analytical approach for policy analysis of system dynamics models
M Saleh, R Oliva, CE Kampmann, PI Davidsen
European Journal of Operational Research 203 (3), 673-683, 2010
Limits to growth in the new economy: Exploring the ‘get big fast’ strategy in e‐commerce
R Oliva, JD Sterman, M Giese
System Dynamics Review 19 (2), 83-117, 2003
Separate or integrate? Assessing the impact of separation between product and service business on service performance in product manufacturing firms
R Oliva, H Gebauer, JM Brann
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 19 (4), 309-334, 2012
Managing functional biases in organizational forecasts: A case study of consensus forecasting in supply chain planning
R Oliva, N Watson
Production and Operations Management 18 (2), 138-151, 2009
Model structure analysis through graph theory: Partition heuristics and feedback structure decomposition
R Oliva
System Dynamics Review 20 (4), 313-336, 2004
Intervention as a research strategy
R Oliva
Journal of Operations Management 65 (7), 710-724, 2019
Tradeoffs in responses to work pressure in the service industry
R Oliva
California Management Review 43 (4), 26-43, 2001
Loop eigenvalue elasticity analysis: Three case studies
CE Kampmann, R Oliva
System Dynamics Review 22 (2), 141-162, 2006
Inventory record inaccuracy: Causes and labor effects
HHC Chuang, R Oliva
Journal of Operations Management 39, 63-78, 2015
Examining the link between retailer inventory leanness and operational efficiency: Moderating roles of firm size and demand uncertainty
HHC Chuang, R Oliva, GR Heim
Production and Operations Management 28 (9), 2338-2364, 2019
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Articles 1–20