Alireza Noamani
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Cited by
Validity of using wearable inertial sensors for assessing the dynamics of standing balance
A Noamani, M Nazarahari, J Lewicke, AH Vette, H Rouhani
Medical engineering & physics 77, 53-59, 2020
Sensor-to-body calibration procedure for clinical motion analysis of lower limb using magnetic and inertial measurement units
M Nazarahari, A Noamani, N Ahmadian, H Rouhani
Journal of Biomechanics 85, 224-229, 2019
Postural control strategy after incomplete spinal cord injury: effect of sensory inputs on trunk–leg movement coordination
A Noamani, JF Lemay, KE Musselman, H Rouhani
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17, 1-12, 2020
Characterization of standing balance after incomplete spinal cord injury: Alteration in integration of sensory information in ambulatory individuals
A Noamani, JF Lemay, KE Musselman, H Rouhani
Gait & Posture 83, 152-159, 2021
Using wearable sensors to characterize gait after spinal cord injury: evaluation of test–retest reliability and construct validity
JF Lemay, A Noamani, J Unger, DJ Houston, H Rouhani, KE Musselmann
Spinal cord 59 (6), 675-683, 2021
Quantification of multi-segment trunk kinetics during multi-directional trunk bending
A Noamani, AH Vette, R Preuss, MR Popovic, H Rouhani
Gait & Posture 64, 205-212, 2018
Optimal estimation of anthropometric parameters for quantifying multisegment trunk kinetics
A Noamani, AH Vette, R Preuss, MR Popovic, H Rouhani
Journal of biomechanical engineering 140 (10), 101003, 2018
Predicted threshold for seated stability: Estimation of margin of stability using wearable inertial sensors
A Noamani, K Agarwal, AH Vette, H Rouhani
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (9), 3361-3372, 2021
Instrumented functional test for objective outcome evaluation of balance rehabilitation in elderly fallers: a clinical study
A Noamani, AH Vette, H Rouhani
Gerontology 68 (11), 1233-1245, 2022
Clinical Static Balance Assessment: A Narrative Review of Traditional and IMU-Based Posturography in Older Adults and Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
A Noamani, N Riahi, AH Vette, H Rouhani
Sensors 23 (21), 8881, 2023
Nonlinear response of human trunk musculature explains neuromuscular stabilization mechanisms in sitting posture
A Noamani, AH Vette, H Rouhani
Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (2), 026045, 2022
Nonlinear neural control using feedback linearization explains task goals of central nervous system for trunk stability in sitting posture
A Noamani, AH Vette, H Rouhani
Journal of Neural Engineering 20 (2), 026034, 2023
Effect of test duration and sensor location on the reliability of standing balance parameters derived using body-mounted accelerometers
V Abdollah, A Noamani, J Ralston, C Ho, H Rouhani
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 23 (1), 2, 2024
Human Standing and Sitting Stability: Instrumented Objective Balance Evaluation and Quantification of Postural Control
A Noamani
Comparison of walking characteristics in functional ambulators individuals with spinal cord injury and able-bodied individuals as measured by parameters extracted from wearable …
JF Lemay, A Noamani, J Unger, D Houston, H Rouhani, K Musselman
Neurophysiologie Clinique 49 (6), 449-450, 2019
Assessment of Human Trunk Kinetics Using a Multi-Segment Model: An Approach to Minimize the Propagation of Experimental Errors
A Noamani
A 3D Unpressurized Model for Non Linear Dynamic Analysis of Human Aortic Valve in Dynamic Condition
A Noamani, V Dehghan Niestanak, M Asgari
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (3), 263-272, 2016
Kinetics Analysis Of Multi-Segment Trunk After Experimental Errors Minimization
A Noamani, AH Vette, R Preuss, MR Popovic, H Rouhani
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Articles 1–18