Benjamin Lok
Cited by
Cited by
The use of virtual patients to teach medical students history taking and communication skills
A Stevens, J Hernandez, K Johnsen, R Dickerson, A Raij, C Harrison, ...
The American Journal of Surgery 191 (6), 806-811, 2006
Do medical students respond empathetically to a virtual patient?
AM Deladisma, M Cohen, A Stevens, P Wagner, B Lok, T Bernard, ...
The American Journal of Surgery 193 (6), 756-760, 2007
Comparison of path visualizations and cognitive measures relative to travel technique in a virtual environment
CA Zanbaka, BC Lok, SV Babu, AC Ulinski, LF Hodges
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11 (6), 694-705, 2005
Understanding empathy training with virtual patients
A Kleinsmith, D Rivera-Gutierrez, G Finney, J Cendan, B Lok
Computers in human behavior 52, 151-158, 2015
Comparing interpersonal interactions with a virtual human to those with a real human
AB Raij, K Johnsen, RF Dickerson, BC Lok, MS Cohen, M Duerson, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (3), 443-457, 2007
The validity of a virtual human experience for interpersonal skills education
K Johnsen, A Raij, A Stevens, DS Lind, B Lok
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
The use of virtual patients in medical school curricula
J Cendan, B Lok
Advances in physiology education 36 (1), 48-53, 2012
Experiences in using immersive virtual characters to educate medical communication skills
K Johnsen, R Dickerson, A Raij, B Lok, J Jackson, M Shin, J Hernandez, ...
IEEE Proceedings. VR 2005. Virtual Reality, 2005., 179-186, 2005
Applying virtual reality in medical communication education: current findings and potential teaching and learning benefits of immersive virtual patients
B Lok, RE Ferdig, A Raij, K Johnsen, R Dickerson, J Coutts, A Stevens, ...
Virtual Reality 10, 185-195, 2006
Effects of handling real objects and self-avatar fidelity on cognitive task performance and sense of presence in virtual environments
B Lok, S Naik, M Whitton, FP Brooks
Presence 12 (6), 615-628, 2003
Using virtual patients to teach empathy: a randomized controlled study to enhance medical students’ empathic communication
A Foster, N Chaudhary, T Kim, JL Waller, J Wong, M Borish, A Cordar, ...
Simulation in Healthcare 11 (3), 181-189, 2016
Virtual humans elicit skin-tone bias consistent with real-world skin-tone biases
B Rossen, K Johnsen, A Deladisma, S Lind, B Lok
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 8th International Conference, IVA 2008, Tokyo …, 2008
High score!-motivation strategies for user participation in virtual human development
S Halan, B Rossen, J Cendan, B Lok
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010 …, 2010
The impact of patients’ gender, race, and age on health care professionals’ pain management decisions: an online survey using virtual human technology
LD Wandner, MW Heft, BC Lok, AT Hirsh, SZ George, AL Horgas, ...
International Journal of Nursing Studies 51 (5), 726-733, 2014
Collaboration in tele-immersive environments
J Mortensen, V Vinayagamoorthy, M Slater, A Steed, B Lok, MC Whitton
EGVE 2, 93-101, 2002
Online model reconstruction for interactive virtual environments
B Lok
Proceedings of the 2001 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 69-72, 2001
Virtual human+ tangible interface= mixed reality human an initial exploration with a virtual breast exam patient
A Kotranza, B Lok
2008 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 99-106, 2008
Mixed Simulator and Uses Thereof
S Lampotang, B Lok, PA Fishwick, JP Quarles
US Patent App. 12/664,222, 2010
A crowdsourcing method to develop virtual human conversational agents
B Rossen, B Lok
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 70 (4), 301-319, 2012
Real-time in-situ visual feedback of task performance in mixed environments for learning joint psychomotor-cognitive tasks
A Kotranza, DS Lind, CM Pugh, B Lok
2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 125-134, 2009
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Articles 1–20