David Pettinicchio
David Pettinicchio
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Toronto
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Institutional activism: Reconsidering the insider/outsider dichotomy
D Pettinicchio
Sociology Compass 6 (6), 499-510, 2012
Hierarchies of categorical disadvantage: Economic insecurity at the intersection of disability, gender, and race
M Maroto, D Pettinicchio, AC Patterson
Gender & Society 33 (1), 64-93, 2019
The context of control: A cross‐national investigation of the link between political institutions, efficacy, and collective action
KE Corcoran, D Pettinicchio, JTN Young
British journal of social psychology 50 (4), 575-605, 2011
Disability, structural inequality, and work: The influence of occupational segregation on earnings for people with different disabilities
M Maroto, D Pettinicchio
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 38, 76-92, 2014
Findings from an online survey on the mental health effects of COVID-19 on Canadians with disabilities and chronic health conditions
D Pettinicchio, M Maroto, L Chai, M Lukk
Disability and Health Journal 14 (3), 101085, 2021
Twenty-five years after the ADA: Situating disability in America's system of stratification
M Maroto, D Pettinicchio
Disability Studies Quarterly 35 (3), 1-34, 2015
Employment outcomes among men and women with disabilities: How the intersection of gender and disability status shapes labor market inequality
D Pettinicchio, M Maroto
Factors in studying employment for persons with disability: How the picture …, 2017
Politics of empowerment: Disability rights and the cycle of American policy reform
D Pettinicchio
Stanford University Press, 2020
Working differently or not at all: COVID-19’s effects on employment among people with disabilities and chronic health conditions
ML Maroto, D Pettinicchio, M Lukk
Sociological Perspectives 64 (5), 876-897, 2021
The Limitations of Disability Antidiscrimination Legislation: Policymaking and the Economic Well-being of People with Disabilities
M Maroto, D Pettinicchio
Law and Policy 36 (4), 2014
Perceptions of structural injustice and efficacy: Participation in low/moderate/high‐cost forms of collective action
KE Corcoran, D Pettinicchio, JTN Young
Sociological Inquiry 85 (3), 429-461, 2015
Religion and the acceptability of white‐collar crime: A cross‐national analysis
KE Corcoran, D Pettinicchio, B Robbins
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51 (3), 542-567, 2012
“Cultures of inequality”: Ethnicity, immigration, social welfare, and imprisonment
RD Crutchfield, D Pettinicchio
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 623 (1 …, 2009
Strategic action fields and the context of political entrepreneurship: How disability rights became part of the policy agenda
D Pettinicchio
Research in social movements, conflicts and change 36, 79-106, 2013
Current explanations for the variation in same-sex marriage policies in western countries
D Pettinicchio
Comparative Sociology 11 (4), 526-557, 2012
A model who looks like me: Communicating and consuming representations of disability
J Foster, D Pettinicchio
Journal of Consumer Culture, 1-19, 2021
Social capital, economic development, and homicide: A cross-national investigation
B Robbins, D Pettinicchio
Social indicators research 105, 519-540, 2012
Elites, policy, and social movements
D Pettinicchio
On the cross road of polity, political elites and mobilization 24, 155-190, 2017
Barriers to economic security: Disability, employment, and asset disparities in Canada
M Maroto, D Pettinicchio
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 57 (1), 53-79, 2020
Who counts? Measuring disability cross-nationally in census data
D Pettinicchio, M Maroto
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 9 (2), 257-284, 2021
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Articles 1–20