José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz
José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz
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The association between legalization of cannabis use and traffic deaths in Uruguay
JI Nazif‐Munoz, Y Oulhote, MC Ouimet
Addiction 115 (9), 1697-1706, 2020
Child labour and health: a systematic review
BL Batomen Kuimi, O Oppong-Nkrumah, J Kaufman, JI Nazif-Munoz, ...
International journal of public health 63, 663-672, 2018
Terrorism and state repression of human rights: A cross-national time-series analysis
E Shor, J Charmichael, JI Nazif Munoz, J Shandra, M Schwartz
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 0020715214552460, 2014
Guía práctica para el diseño e implementación de políticas de seguridad vial integrales, considerando el rol de la infraestructura
JI Nazif
United Nations--ECLAC, 2011
Nonadult supervision of children in low-and middle-income countries: results from 61 national population-based surveys
M Ruiz-Casares, JI Nazif-Muñoz, R Iwo, Y Oulhote
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (8), 1564, 2018
The impact of cannabis decriminalization and legalization on road safety outcomes: a systematic review
SB Windle, P Socha, JI Nazif-Munoz, S Harper, A Nandi
American journal of preventive medicine 63 (6), 1037-1052, 2022
Did Chile’s traffic law reform push police enforcement? Understanding Chile’s traffic fatalities and injuries reduction
JI Nazif-Munoz, A Quesnel-Vallée, A Van den Berg
Injury prevention 21 (3), 159-165, 2015
Solid fuel use and early child development disparities in Ghana: analyses by gender and urbanicity
JI Nazif-Muñoz, JD Spengler, RE Arku, Y Oulhote
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 30 (4), 698-706, 2020
COVID-19 and European carcerality: Do national prison policies converge when faced with a pandemic?
O Zeveleva, JI Nazif-Munoz
Punishment & Society 24 (4), 642-666, 2022
PoliMap: A taxonomy proposal for mapping and understanding the global policy response to COVID-19
S Peña, C Cuadrado, A Rivera-Aguirre, R Hasdell, JI Nazif-Munoz, ...
OSF, 2020
The effectiveness of child restraint and seat belt legislation in reducing child injuries: The case of Serbia
JI Nazif-Munoz, N Nikolic
Traffic injury prevention 19 (sup1), S7-S14, 2018
Did Child Restraint Laws Globally Converge? Examining 40 Years of Policy Diffusion
JI Nazif Munoz
Traffic Injury Prevention 16 (S2), S32-S40, 2015
Explaining Chile's Traffic Fatality and Injury Reduction for 2000-2012
JI Nazif-Muñoz, A Quesnel-Vallée, A van den Berg
Traffic Injury Prevention 15 (S1), 56-63, 2014
Green, brown, and gray: associations between different measurements of land patterns and depression among nursing students in El Paso, Texas
JI Nazif-Munoz, JG Cedeno Laurent, M Browning, J Spengler, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 8146, 2020
The global viralization of policies to contain the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of school closures and first reported cases
JI Nazif-Muñoz, S Peña, Y Oulhote
Plos one 16 (4), e0248828, 2021
Impact of child restraint policies on child occupant fatalities and injuries in Chile and its regions: an interrupted time-series study
JI Nazif-Munoz, A Nandi, M Ruiz-Casares
Accident Analysis & Prevention 120, 38-45, 2018
Investigating the risk factors associated with injury severity in pedestrian crashes in Santiago, Chile
A Rampinelli, JF Calderón, CA Blazquez, K Sauer-Brand, N Hamann, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (17), 11126, 2022
Differential impacts of ridesharing on alcohol-related crashes by socioeconomic municipalities: rate of technology adoption matters
C Blazquez, JGC Laurent, JI Nazif-Munoz
BMC public health 21, 1-12, 2021
The impact of child restraint legislation on the incidence of severe paediatric injury in Chile
JI Nazif-Muñoz, G Gariépy, J Falconer, A Gong, A Macpherson
Injury Prevention, 2016
State or market? How to effectively decrease alcohol-related crash fatalities and injuries
JI Nazif-Muñoz, B Batomen, Y Oulhote, J Spengler, A Nandi
J Epidemiol Community Health 74 (6), 502-509, 2020
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Articles 1–20