Si Jia Wu
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Cited by
Smartphone-based blood pressure measurement using transdermal optical imaging technology
H Luo, D Yang, A Barszczyk, N Vempala, J Wei, SJ Wu, PP Zheng, G Fu, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 12 (8), 2019
Transdermal optical imaging reveal basal stress via heart rate variability analysis: a novel methodology comparable to electrocardiography
J Wei, H Luo, SJ Wu, PP Zheng, G Fu, K Lee
Frontiers in psychology 9, 98, 2018
Transdermal optical imaging revealed different spatiotemporal patterns of facial cardiovascular activities
J Liu, H Luo, PP Zheng, SJ Wu, K Lee
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10588, 2018
The fusiform face area plays a greater role in holistic processing for own-race faces than other-race faces
G Zhou, J Liu, NG Xiao, SJ Wu, H Li, K Lee
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 220, 2018
Functional neural networks of honesty and dishonesty in children: evidence from graph theory analysis
XP Ding, SJ Wu, J Liu, G Fu, K Lee
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12085, 2017
Stress Determined through Heart Rate Variability Predicts Immune Function
H Luo, J Wei, Y Yasin, SJ Wu, A Barszcyk, ZP Feng, K Lee
Neuroimmunomodulation, 2019
Using polygraph to detect passengers carrying illegal items
R Yu, SJ Wu, A Huang, N Gold, H Huang, G Fu, K Lee
Frontiers in psychology 10, 322, 2019
Smartphone-based blood pressure measurement using transdermal optical imaging technology. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2019; 12: e008857
H Luo, D Yang, A Barszczyk, N Vempala, J Wei, SJ Wu, PP Zheng, G Fu, ...
Smartphone-based identification of critical levels of Glycated Hemoglobin A1c using Transdermal Optical Imaging
H Salih, SJ Wu, E Kabakov, K Lee, W Zhou
Journal of Natural Sciences 2 (1), 62-72, 2020
Blood biomarkers predict cardiac workload using machine learning
L Shou, WW Huang, A Barszczyk, SJ Wu, H Han, A Waese-Perlman, ...
BioMed Research International 2021 (1), 6172815, 2021
Circ.: Cardiovasc
H Luo, D Yang, A Barszczyk, N Vempala, J Wei, SJ Wu, PP Zheng, G Fu, ...
Imaging 12, e008857, 2019
System and method for camera-based stress determination
K Lee, P Zheng, SJ Wu
US Patent US20210361208A1, 2021
Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Measurement Using Transdermal Optical Imaging Technology. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging, 12 (8), e008857
H Luo, D Yang, A Barszczyk, N Vempala, J Wei, SJ Wu, PP Zheng, G Fu, ...
Discrete emotions discovered by contactless measurement of facial blood flows
G Fu, X Zhou, SJ Wu, H Nikoo, D Panesar, PP Zheng, K Oatley, K Lee
Cognition and Emotion, 2022
System and method for camera-based quantification of blood biomarkers
K Lee, A Barszczyk, S Wu, Y Yasin, W De Armas, D Alan
US Patent App. 18/319,840, 2023
System and method for camera-based quantification of blood biomarkers
K Lee, A Barszczyk, SJ Wu, Y Yasin, W De Armas, D Alan
US Patent App. 17/627,297, 2022
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Articles 1–16