Joachim Griesbaum
Joachim Griesbaum
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Cited by
Evaluation of three German search engines: Altavista. de, Google. de and Lycos. de
J Griesbaum
Information Research 9 (4), 9-4, 2004
Product advertising and viral stealth marketing in online videos: A description and comparison of comments on YouTube
LM Wendt, J Griesbaum, R Kölle
Aslib Journal of Information Management 68 (3), 250-264, 2016
Typologie der suchdienste im internet
J Griesbaum, B Bekavac, M Rittberger
Handbuch Internet-Suchmaschinen: Nutzerorientierung in Wissenschaft und …, 2009
Evaluation of five web search engines in Arabic language.
W Tawileh, T Mandl, J Griesbaum, M Atzmueller, D Benz, A Hotho, ...
LWA, 221-228, 2010
C 4 Online-Marketing
J Griesbaum
Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation: Handbuch zur …, 2013
Deutsche Suchmaschinen im Vergleich: AltaVista. de, Fireball. de, Google. de und Lycos. de.
J Griesbaum, M Rittberger, B Bekavac
ISI, 201-224, 2002
Students as teachers in MOOCs? the double gain of MOOCs as an in-class teaching method experiences from a student-made MOOC" Online Data Privacy"
J Griesbaum
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 4 (1), 29, 2014
K3–an e-learning forum with elaborated discourse functions for collaborative knowledge management
R Kuhlen, J Griesbaum, T Jiang, J König, A Lenich, P Meier, T Schütz, ...
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2005
" I would have never allowed it": User Perception of Third-party Tracking and Implications for Display Advertising.
W Thode, J Griesbaum, T Mandl
ISI, 445-456, 2015
Mehrwerte des Kollaborativen Wissensmanagements in der Hochschullehre: Integration asynchroner netzwerkbasierter Szenarien des CSCL in der Ausbildung der …
J Griesbaum
Using feedback to enhance collaborative learning: an exploratory study concerning the added value of self-and peer-assessment by first-year students in a blended learning lecture
J Griesbaum, M Görtz
International Journal on E-learning 9 (4), 481-503, 2010
J Griesbaum
Kompetenzmodelle für den Digitalen Wandel: Orientierungshilfen und …, 2022
Social web
J Griesbaum
Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation 6, 562-574, 2013
A collaborative lecture in information retrieval for students at universities in Germany and Switzerland
J Griesbaum, M Rittberger
IFLA, 2005
Trends in e-learning: Impacts of social mobile technologies on information behavior, formal learning and the educational market
J Griesbaum
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 7 (2), 123, 2017
Perception and effectiveness of search advertising on smartphones
A Domachowski, J Griesbaum, B Heuwing
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 53 (1 …, 2016
Entwicklungstrends im Web Information Retrieval: Neue Potentiale für die Webrecherche durch Personalisierung & Web 2.0-Technologien
J Griesbaum
nformation in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Wirtschaft. Proceedings der 29, 91-111, 2007
What is information literacy and how to improve it?
J Griesbaum, D Çetta, T Mandl, EG Montanari
Werner Hülsbusch 74, 24-43, 2021
Building information and communication competence in a collaborative learning environment (K3)
M Bürger, J Griesbaum, R Kuhlen
SINN03 eProceedings. Proceedings of the conference on Worldwide Coherent …, 2003
Framework Informationskompetenz: Ein gemeinsamer Standard für die Qualifikation in den bibliotheks-und informationswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen in Deutschland
I Tappenbeck, A Michel, A Wittich, N Werr, M Gäde, U Spree, C Gläser, ...
o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal 9 (1), 2022
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Articles 1–20