Patrick Jachyra
Patrick Jachyra
Assistant Professor, Durham University
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The wellbeing and mental health care experiences of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities during COVID-19
JK Lake, P Jachyra, T Volpe, Y Lunsky, C Magnacca, A Marcinkiewicz, ...
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 14 (3), 285-300, 2021
Parents’ perspectives of physical activity participation among Canadian adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
S Gregor, N Bruni, P Grkinic, L Schwartz, A McDonald, P Thille, S Gabison, ...
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 48, 53-62, 2018
Physical activity participation among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
P Jachyra, R Renwick, B Gladstone, E Anagnostou, BE Gibson
Autism 25 (3), 613-626, 2021
Are you ready? Exploring readiness to engage in exercise among people living with HIV and multimorbidity in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative study
A Simonik, K Vader, D Ellis, D Kesbian, P Leung, P Jachyra, ...
BMJ OPEN 6 (3), 2016
Boys, bodies and bullying in Health and Physical Education: Implications for participation and well-being
P Jachyra
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 2016
Gender performativity during interviews with adolescent boys
P Jachyra, M Atkinson, BE Gibson
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 6 (4), 1-15, 2014
“Who are you, and what are you doing here”: Methodological considerations in ethnographic Health and Physical Education research
P Jachyra, M Atkinson, Y Washiya
Ethnography and Education 10 (2), 242-261, 2015
Exploring the role of physiotherapists in the care of children with autism spectrum disorder
C Cynthia, M Duck, R McQuillan, L Brazill, S Malik, L Hartman, ...
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics 39 (6), 614-628, 2019
The place of play: from playground to policy to classroom well-being
P Jachyra, C Fusco
Sport, Education and Society 21 (2), 217-238, 2016
Boys, transitions, and physical (in)activity: Exploring the socio-behavioural mediators of participation
P Jachyra, BE Gibson
Physiotherapy Canada 68 (1), 81-89, 2016
Weighty conversations: Caregivers', children's, and clinicians' perspectives and experiences of discussing weight‐related topics in healthcare consultations
P Jachyra, E Anagnostou, TJ Knibbe, C Petta, S Cosgrove, L Chen, ...
Autism Research 11 (11), 1500-1510, 2018
Keep fit: marginal ideas in contemporary therapeutic exercise
D Nicholls, P Jachyra, BE Gibson, C Fusco, J Setchell
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 10 (4), 400-411, 2018
Experiences participating in a community-based exercise programme from the perspective of people living with HIV: a qualitative study
CA Montgomery, KJ Henning, SR Kantarzhi, TB Kideckel, CFM Yang, ...
BMJ open 7 (4), e015861, 2017
Premature mortality in a population‐based cohort of autistic adults in Canada
Y Lunsky, MC Lai, R Balogh, H Chung, A Durbin, P Jachyra, A Tint, ...
Autism Research 15 (8), 1550-1559, 2022
“Girls don’t have big tummies”: The experiences of weight-related discussions for children with autism spectrum disorders
P Jachyra, E Anagnostou, TJ Knibbe, C Petta, S Cosgrove, L Chen, ...
Autism 23 (5), 1096-1105, 2019
Understanding disability in healthcare: exploring the perceptions of parents of young people with autism spectrum disorder
S Wright Stein, R Alexander, J Mann, C Schneider, S Zhang, BE Gibson, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 44 (19), 5623-5630, 2022
Infographic. Communicate physical activity guidelines for disabled children and disabled young people
B Smith, J Netherway, P Jachyra, L Bone, B Baxter, J Blackshaw, C Foster
British Journal of Sports Medicine 56 (10), 588-589, 2022
Perceptions of ‘physical activity’and ‘exercise’among people living with HIV: A qualitative study
K Vader, A Simonik, D Ellis, D Kesbian, P Leung, P Jachyra, ...
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 24 (11), 473-482, 2017
Urban cyclists' perspectives on post-collision behaviour change: A qualitative study
P Jachyra, M Atkinson, B Glen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 31 (C), 133-145, 2015
Boys' bodies: speaking the unspoken
P Jachyra
Sport, education and society 18 (6), 842-846, 2013
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Articles 1–20