Martin Byung-Guk Jun
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Cited by
A review on optical fiber sensors for environmental monitoring
HE Joe, H Yun, SH Jo, MBG Jun, BK Min
International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing-green …, 2018
Modeling of dynamic micro-milling cutting forces
M Malekian, SS Park, MBG Jun
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 49 (7-8), 586-598, 2009
Modeling of minimum uncut chip thickness in micro machining of aluminum
M Malekian, MG Mostofa, SS Park, MBG Jun
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (3), 553-559, 2012
Tool wear monitoring of micro-milling operations
M Malekian, SS Park, MBG Jun
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (10), 4903-4914, 2009
Predictive maintenance of machine tool systems using artificial intelligence techniques applied to machine condition data
WJ Lee, H Wu, H Yun, H Kim, MBG Jun, JW Sutherland
Procedia Cirp 80, 506-511, 2019
Investigation of the dynamics of microend milling—part I: model development
MBG Jun, X Liu, RE DeVor, SG Kapoor
Significant improvement in visible light photocatalytic activity of Fe doped TiO2 using an acid treatment process
V Moradi, MBG Jun, A Blackburn, RA Herring
Applied Surface Science 427, 791-799, 2018
One-step fabrication of superhydrophobic hierarchical structures by femtosecond laser ablation
MV Rukosuyev, J Lee, SJ Cho, G Lim, MBG Jun
Applied Surface Science 313, 411-417, 2014
An experimental evaluation of an atomization-based cutting fluid application system for micromachining
MBG Jun, SS Joshi, RE DeVor, SG Kapoor
Colorizing stainless steel surface by femtosecond laser induced micro/nano-structures
MS Ahsan, F Ahmed, YG Kim, MS Lee, MBG Jun
Applied surface science 257 (17), 7771-7777, 2011
Cutting mechanisms and their influence on dynamic forces, vibrations and stability in micro-endmilling
X Liu, MBG Jun, RE DeVor, SG Kapoor
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47136, 583-592, 2004
Investigation of the dynamics of microend milling—part II: model validation and interpretation
MBG Jun, RE DeVor, SG Kapoor
A fast tool servo design for precision turning of shafts on conventional CNC lathes
WH Zhu, MB Jun, Y Altintas
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 41 (7), 953-965, 2001
Tapered fiber-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer for ultra-high sensitivity measurement of refractive index
V Ahsani, F Ahmed, MBG Jun, C Bradley
Sensors 19 (7), 1652, 2019
Evaluation of a spindle-based force sensor for monitoring and fault diagnosis of machining operations
MB Jun, OB Ozdoganlar, RE DeVor, SG Kapoor, A Kirchheim, G Schaffner
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 42 (6), 741-751, 2002
Fabrication of poly (ϵ-caprolactone) microfiber scaffolds with varying topography and mechanical properties for stem cell-based tissue engineering applications
J Ko, NK Mohtaram, F Ahmed, A Montgomery, M Carlson, PCD Lee, ...
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 25 (1), 1-17, 2014
Ultrafast laser applications in manufacturing processes: A state-of-the-art review
S Lei, X Zhao, X Yu, A Hu, S Vukelic, MBG Jun, HE Joe, YL Yao, YC Shin
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 142 (3), 031005, 2020
Design and fabrication of auxetic PCL nanofiber membranes for biomedical applications
SK Bhullar, D Rana, H Lekesiz, AC Bedeloglu, J Ko, Y Cho, Z Aytac, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 81, 334-340, 2017
Use of vegetable oil in water emulsion achieved through ultrasonic atomization as cutting fluids in micro-milling
G Burton, CS Goo, Y Zhang, MBG Jun
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 16 (3), 405-413, 2014
Facile fabrication of flexible glutamate biosensor using direct writing of platinum nanoparticle-based nanocomposite ink
TNH Nguyen, JK Nolan, H Park, S Lam, M Fattah, JC Page, HE Joe, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 131, 257-266, 2019
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Articles 1–20